Alm : Writing

the nameless ones

the nameless ones

A Book by Alm

stories of people with no names in 100 words.


A Poem by Alm

Err. This was inspired by the song Infinity by The xx. HAHA.
That Is Me

That Is Me

A Poem by Alm

There is nothing wrong with me I don’t need to take a look at the mirror�" I am w..
these are our oceans

these are our oceans

A Poem by Alm

there is a sort of stillness in the chaos in this voice that she sings with to the silent cacophony of the win..
Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars

A Poem by Alm

Unsteady, falling. Trying hard to fix myself. Clutching at something that isn’t meant to be mine; ..
painting rainbows and sunshine with scarlet and blue

painting rainbows and sunshine with scarlet and bl..

A Poem by Alm

trying to paint another picture with all the wrong colors sunshine and butterfli..


A Poem by Alm

Stories That Wait

Stories That Wait

A Poem by Alm

How long will those words live in the vacuum of your little worlds inside your head How long before tho..


A Poem by Alm

nightmares caught in the threadsof a spiderwebthat this stationary spiderhas never spunjust a piece of stone,a piece of iridescent glass.graying feath..
Making Her Beautiful

Making Her Beautiful

A Poem by Alm

for Kate, because she likes this poem.