Cassandra L K

Cassandra L K


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Toronto, ON, Canada
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About Me

I've always wanted to be a colour, or something else non-material entity, like wind, or emotions, just to see what it was like. We use colours as metaphors, we throw around emotions freely, so, just for a moment or so, i've always wondered what it would be like to be the embodiment of that non-material thing. Why? For purposes unknown. As an artist of both literature and images, I constantly wonder what it would be like, to be in my painting, my drawing, or my - more often - writing? Adding the human aspect is what makes art masterpieces, in my opinion, to reach out with fingers and touch a part of a person they may never have felt before. My person? A fifteen year old girl whose birthday is coming up in the later of december, I love writing, and reading, photography, drawing, painting, rock-climbing: I love digital painting, playing games, and hanging out with my friends. I love smiling, and laughing, and I have a great respect for those who overcome their fears - their people I continuously aspire to be.
One thing I cannot wait for however, are the Holidays! Happy Holidays everyone!