3rd Quarter Fan Fiction - Harry Potter  July 1, 2010 - September 30, 2010

Contest Completed


3rd Quarter 2010 Fan Fiction Winner (Harry Potter) - Crooked Smile, Crooked Life: A Remus Lupin Story
3rd Quarter 2010 Fan Fiction Merit (Harry Potter) - The Missing Piece of My Heart


Before the chaos of Twilight, there was the chaos of Harry Potter! I'm looking for Harry Potter Fan Fiction books. You don't have to use Harry, Ron or Hermoine. There are a ton of fantastic critters and places in Rowling's magical world that are just screaming to be written about. Be creative and have fun with it! One chapter submission please, but you can choose your favorite chapter. Does not have to be your first chapter. Good luck!!


A link to your Writers' Cafe profile and your work posted on my personal website goes to the winner.


Tracie D'Angelo
Tracie D'Angelo
Annapolis, MD


2 Contestants
2 Submission
Created Jul 7, 2010