Best Friends  February 13, 2010 - April 1, 2010

Contest Completed


You guys are great! - Childhood Friends
You guys did an amazing job! - [writing deleted]
You guys really work well together - Blind
I'm gonna be honest...I just don't like odd numbers. lol - Am I Still Close??


Okay so the name "Two Friends" is because we're two friends who write together...pretty self explanatory. Anyway, I (JPM), just got the idea that I should make a contest that you guys wrote a poem or story or something with your best friend. It's actually really fun and the result is amazing.

The piece can be on absolutely anything you want it to be...but you should try to incorporate something about your guys' friendship or something you both have to deal with on a daily basis. But honestly you should just have fun writing with a friend.


Having fun with your friend(s)


Two Friends
Two Friends
Morton, WA


9 Contestants
14 Submissions
Created Feb 14, 2010