Best Mind-Trip Poem  June 18, 2011 - August 11, 2011

Contest Completed


Most Delusional Poem - Floating in the Brizzillag
Weirdest Poem - Aww...
Oddest Poem - [writing deleted]
Best Use of Weird Rhyming - Beware the Framly of Noobly's Gump
Head-Scratching Poem - [writing deleted]


Write a poem that best makes a person's mind go on a trip through the odd and imaginative. Go crazy, use words that might not exist to create a sense of being in a different world. I want to find the next writer of a poem like the Jabberwocky. Whoever writes a poem that can make me compare to Lewis Carrol's Alice In Wonderland will get the title of Most delusional Writer.


Brody Jack Jennings
Brody Jack Jennings
Lincoln, CA


34 Contestants
69 Submissions
Created Jun 19, 2011