Cool Family Facts  April 29, 2008 - December 31, 2008

Contest Completed


Book Publication Winner - [writing deleted]
Recognition of Excellence - [writing deleted]
Honorable Recognition - [writing deleted]


In this book project, we would like everyone to dig into their knowledge of family history that presents/has presented itself... was She or He a historical figure? Did He or She make a difference in the lives of others? Government figure? What makes that family member unique or even an important member of our society...

This is what we would like to see in this book. In case some are still confused or unsure, please go to the full description to this book on:

Click- open projects (there you will see all projects available and a more in depth description of each).

The uniqueness is a much desired quality and furthermore our goal. We want to hear diverse voices in these books...

We do want the story to not be confusing, so it is pretty important to stick to a particular event in which is taking place, yet verbalizing and communicating it the way your eyes, ears and mind feel (think) it should go. If a sudden change should take place within the story, that should be okay too as long as it is transitioned accordingly.

SO, yes, your style writing, your words, your input... just make smooth transitions.

Please submit on our home-base for all Collaborative-Writing contests at:

This is our primary location, if you are having any issues or difficulties submitting to:

Please feel free to enter here at Poetic Infusion Society... Either way your submission will be considered.

Thank you to all who are involved in our contests and those who are contemplating... Good luck and enjoy.

(Please stop by and sign up for your newsletter [become a member] at Becoming a member will enable you to stay up-to-date on all happenings in contests and any necessary information you may need-to-know. This is a simple process which will take a very minimal amount of your time.)

�Passing down from generation to generation - stories of historical people, places and things fill our lives with hope and/or dismay within its voice��

Can history repeat itself? Can you speak for those who no longer have a voice? Is there someone or something in your family history that made an impact in society (either minute or extensive)? Please fill our pages� with your cool family facts.

We had to enter a deadline on this contest so that it would be published; however, there is no deadline. We end the contest when a winning submission is chosen.


First place awarded publication and proceeds of your contribution of this book, to be written with other Collaborative-Writing authors.



Created Apr 29, 2008