Earth Peace  April 21, 2008 - April 30, 2008

Contest Completed


Earth Peace Prize - ... be brave!
2nd place Peace Prize - The American Dream(er).
3rd place Peace Prize - Belief
4th place Peace Prize - Take the black!
5th place Peace Prize - Earth Peace Speech
6th place Peace Prize - rains on the vegetable patch


The contestants of beauty contests talk about world peace. How about we give a short speech about Earth Peace. In the name of Earth Day, what can we humans do to help. Pretend that you won a prize and have to give a short speach about how to achieve Earth Peace, (about one minute because they need to get back to something else that they can actually commercialize). Just kidding! Actually, I need it short so that I will have time to read them. Winners will be the next featured writers with the speach itself featured also. If you are not a member, please click on the link to join and then add your humanity writings too. Your writings do not add to the group automatically when you add them to the contest. Thanks! Happy Earth Day!
Love All, Mejasha


Featured writer and pretty badge for your profile. (Envy of your human companions)



6 Contestants
6 Submissions
Created Apr 21, 2008