Ice Breaker  August 3, 2009 - August 16, 2009

Contest Completed


Thank you for joining the group! <3 Featured Writer - Moonlight Burning
Thank you for joining the group! <3 2nd place - Assassination of Charles Gates
Thank you for joining the group! <3 3rd place - Olivia
Thank you for joining the group! <3 4th place - 3 words
Thank you for joining the group! <3 5th place - unreachable
Thank you for joining the group! <3 6th place - Superman cant fly
Thank you for joining the group!<3 7th place - Magnum Opus
Thank you for joining the group <3 8th place - [writing deleted]
Thank you for joining the group <3 9th place - [writing deleted]
Thank you for Joinging the group <3 10th place - [writing deleted]


This is a contest/advertisement for my new group "Contest central" Its just a way to get people to join while having fun at the same time. So please enter and join my group, that will be greatly appreciated. Just submit what ever you want...But please post it on the group as well, so i can feature you and your writing when you win. <3...btw, im a brutal judge lol


Badge and a new group member!


Taylor H
Taylor H
Rocky Mount, VA


10 Contestants
53 Submissions
Created Aug 4, 2009