Modern Nursery Rhymes  July 20, 2007 - July 27, 2007

Contest Completed


Father Goose - [writing deleted]
Bubba Goose - [writing deleted]
A Distant Goose Cousin - [writing deleted]


Ok. This should be fun. I read a lovely poem the other day by Splitting...Myshel called MARY HAD A LITTLE WORM. It inspired me to write my own poem based on Nursery Rhymes. (The title was too long to be the Contest Title...or something...) Let me see yours! Take one of the classic nursery rhymes and re-write it for a modern audience. Here's an example:

Not Your Mama's Nursery Rhymes...
A Poem by Rie Sheridan

Jack and Jill
with time to kill
decided to go cruising...
Jack can't drive
the car did jive,,,
and both got quite a bruising.

Little Bo Peep
got tired of sheep
and bought herself a condo
now her flock
are on the block
and her profit-share is mondo.

Little Miss Muffet
loves Jimmy Buffet
and travels to hear him play
She's made her a name
in the rock-and-roll game
till Security drives her away...

Give it your best shot. You have one week, and then winners will be voted on.


medals and memories -- I will review pieces of your choice



Created Jul 20, 2007