Nature  August 12, 2013 - August 13, 2013

Contest Completed


Nature - Nature
Green Nature - [writing deleted]
Life In Nature - Mother Nature


Hey, Guys

Let me clear it first that this contest's made for all of you to elaborate your skills because i am working on my book and i want to know more about LIFE and Nature... I am not gonna steal your work if you SUBMIT here. I just want to know more about LIFE and NATURE and i want TO MAKE MY OWN through YOUR IDEAS.

I just want to see others views what they think about life and nature how nature effects in everyone's life... how life can be possible without nature... how nature plays an important role in life... and too many questions raised in my mind when i was making my stuffs...

So, i've written my thoughts in the form of words as much as i knew.. but now i made this contest to know more about LIFE AND NATURE ... how you think about it.

I'm not gonna steal others work. Those who don't want to submit their stuffs, it's ok. Don't do that but don't annoy me via MESSAGES by putting so many questions like i'm stealing other's work. It shows your Manner. GOT IT.


One Free Poem On Nature.



7 Contestants
7 Submissions
Created Aug 12, 2013