People Who Want a Challenge.  March 24, 2009 - April 20, 2009

Contest Completed


Best Pirate Poem. - The Modern Pirate
Best poem about being little. - Growing up Just Right
Best time an adult didnt understand you. - Just painfully shy
Best what does it mean to be real. - Essence of yourself
Best description of "Be Here, Be Now". - The Vows


This is for all my Anything Goes Group Members. I have set the task of writing one poem or tiny story for each of the numbered things below. There will be a winner for each section picked by me and each of those winners will be featured on my group for one month! <3 Good luck, have fun and may the best writer win.

1. Write a peom about being a pirate

2. Write a peom about when you were little

3. Tell me about a time when an adult didnt understand you

4. What does it mean to be "real"

5. what does the saying "Be here, Be now" mean to you?


Being Featured and a shiny badge to add to/start your collection


Taylor H
Taylor H
Rocky Mount, VA


7 Contestants
9 Submissions
Created Mar 24, 2009