Poems about Death  April 16, 2016 - April 30, 2016

Contest Completed


First Place - Death's Show
Second Place - Death
Third Place - She's Just a Girl
Fourth Place - Why did you take her?
Fifth Place - My Other Half


Submit a poem about Death. Please be sure it has something to do with at least the idea of death because I will not accept submissions that have nothing to do with the correct subject matter.
Side note, the honorable mention is not a fifth place. It is awarded to a poem that was either:
1. I enjoyed, but it didn't follow the subject matter well.
2. Followed the subject matter well, but I didn't personally enjoy it.


Knowing that I loved your poem :)


Peyton Light
Peyton Light
Classified, TN


37 Contestants
58 Submissions
Created Apr 8, 2016