The Truth Revealed  January 1, 2008 - March 31, 2008

Contest Completed


First Prize - Faith
Second Prize - No Mistake
Third Prize - White Moon
Honorable Mention 1 - Battles of Mullera: Legacy of the Ginza Stone Prologue
Honorable Mention 2 - Between Dog and Wolf


Do you love Magical Realism? Do you write it? Prove it.

Write a magical realist short story based on the picture below. Join the Magical Realist Union to see what that means if you are unclear. (You must join to enter.)

We are currently considering creating an anthology or our members' writings, so the winner, and possibly the runners-up will be in consideration for inclusion. More info by mid-Feb.

The Truth Revealed


Featured Writer in the Magical Realists, possible publication in an MRU anthology (TBA)


Atlanta Carter
Atlanta Carter
Cincinnati, OH


5 Contestants
5 Submissions
Created Jan 2, 2008