Three States Writers Contest from the ARKLATEX WRITER"S CIRCLE  August 23, 2009 - December 1, 2009

Contest Completed


Please read the general guidelines before entering any contest. We�ve included specific guidelines for each category for your perusal.

1. Contests are open to all residents of LOUISIANA, TEXAS and ARKANSAS ages 16 and older.

2. Contestants may enter more than one contest and enter more than one manuscript for each category but must pay a reading fee for each manuscript entered.

3. All deadlines are midnight November 31, 2009.

4. Winners and runners-up will be announced on December 12th at our annual Christmas party, and will be honored at that time. Include SASE to receive a list of winners or check out the Writer�s Circle website on or before December 12th.

5. Include a cover sheet with each entry, clearly designating the contest you are entering. Cover sheet must include your name, address, phone number and email address (optional). A cover sheet must accompany each entry. All entries must have contestants name, address and phone number on the first page. No email submissions or no previously published works.

6. Manuscripts will not be returned so please keep copies.

7. Descriptions of individual contests, deadlines, and any specific rules for a particular contest are listed below.

8. There is a $15 reading fee for MEMBERS; $20 for NON MEMBERS for each manuscript entered.
Make check or money order payable to:

9. Prizes: First Prize - $75, Second Prize - $50, Third Prize - $25. Each winner will be published on our website and receive an honorary mention and certificate on December 12th.

10. Send to:

11. Writer retains all rights after the contest is over and the manuscripts are published for one month on our website.

12. You may enter as many of the following contests as you wish, but only one story idea � each manuscript has to be a totally different story.

Fee: $15 reading fee for MEMBERS; $20 for NON MEMBERS for each manuscript entered.

Specific Guidelines:

1. Each entry consists of one short story totaling no more than 2,000 words each.

2. You may enter as many manuscripts as you�d like but they must be different stories and an additional $15 reading fee applied per manuscript.

3. Please, include the word count on the cover sheet.
Fee: $10 per 3 poems for members; $15 per 3 poems for nonmembers.

Specific Guidelines:

1. Three poems per entry � you may submit as many times as you�d like but reading fee must accompany every three poems. (Fee: $10 per 3 poems for members; $15 per 3 poems for nonmembers.)

2. No restrictions as to style. No vulgar or erotica themes.

3. A cover sheet must be attached with student's name, address, phone number, as well as school's name, address and phone number (except in the case of home-schooled students). First page of manuscript must contain authors name and information.


ARK-LA-TEX WRITER�S CIRCLE Young Writers' Poetry Prize
Fee: $10 per 3 poems for members; $15 per 3 poems for nonmembers.

Specific Guidelines:

1. Three poems per entry � you may submit as many times as you�d like but reading fee must accompany every three poems. (Fee: $10 per 3 poems for members; $15 per 3 poems for nonmembers.)

2. No restrictions as to style. No vulgar or erotica themes.

3. Open to all high school students in the Ark-La-Tex area, grades 9-12.

4. A cover sheet must be attached with student's name, address, phone number, as well as school's name, address and phone number (except in the case of home-schooled students). First page of manuscript must contain authors name and information.

Kids Poetry Prize
Fee: $10 per 3 poems for members; $15 per 3 poems for nonmembers.

Specific Guidelines:

1. Three poems per entry � you may submit as many times as you�d like but reading fee must accompany every three poems. (Fee: $10 per 3 poems for members; $15 per 3 poems for nonmembers.)

2. No restrictions as to style. No vulgar or erotica themes.

3. Open to all elementary, middle, and junior high school students in the Ark-La-Tex area, grades 1-8.

4. A cover sheet must be attached with student's name, address, phone number, as well as school's name, address and phone number (except in the case of home-schooled students). First page of manuscript must contain authors name and information.

ARK-LA-TEX WRITER�S CIRCLE for Creative Nonfiction
Fee: $15 reading fee for MEMBERS; $20 for NON MEMBERS for each manuscript entered.

This year�s topic is FINDING YOUR TRUE SELF. As we mature we start to realize a lot of things about ourselves that we may or may not like. Somewhere in the essence of life, we become like the other person or people in our lives that have influenced us somewhat and we tend to forget who we are, where we came from and what our life meant to us at one time. We make all the right decisions to please someone else but in the end we are truly miserable because we�re living a lie about who we really are deep down inside.
In 3000 words or less, write about how you�d like to find your true self � that person deep down inside of you � that person who you really are. We�d like to hear about how you found yourself and how you plan to live after this experience. Will you remain a quiet and somber person who lives his or her life to please a significant other or will you burst out of your shell and become the person you�ve always dreamt about being? We want to hear your story!

There is a $15 reading fee for MEMBERS; $20 for NON MEMBERS for each manuscript entered.

Specific Guidelines:

1. Each entry consists of one typed, double-spaced nonfiction essay of no more than 3,000 words.

2. You may enter as many essays as you like � reading fee applies to each individual manuscript.

ARK-LA-TEX WRITER�S CIRCLE Christian Devotional
Fee: $15 reading fee for MEMBERS; $20 for NON MEMBERS for each manuscript entered.

This year�s devotional topic is: BEING A DESCIPLE OF JESUS IN A TROUBLED SOCIETY. In 3000 words or less, explain how that you being a Christian person can help a troubled society of people who know only evil, drugs, alcohol, theft and other bad things that are inappropriate to the Christian world. What kind of hope and peace can you offer them, and how will it have an impact on their lives, if any? What if they chose not to accept your �hope� and �peace� through Jesus? Would you continue to persevere with such a seemingly hopeless cause or would you chalk it up as a bad experience and forget it ever happened? In your own words, tell your readers what being a disciple is about and how you, with God�s help, can show a troubled society a better way of life.

1. Entry consists of one typed, double-spaced nonfiction Christian related essay of no more than 3,000 words.

2. You may enter as many stories as you like � reading fee applies to each individual manuscript.

Fee: $15 reading fee for MEMBERS; $20 for NON MEMBERS for each manuscript entered.

This year�s topic is: THE PLACE YOU COULD BE LOOKING FOR. IN 3000 words or less, write about a unique destination that you would like to travel to and what you hope to find when you get there. What would you like to see while you�re there � museums, art galleries or some place that tourists know very little about and you get to enhance the beauty surrounding it in your own private way? How would you describe such a place without pictures to enhance your special place? If you were writing an essay for a traveler, how would you describe such a place so vividly that he or she will hop on the next plane to experience your hidden spot without a second thought?

1. Entry consists of one typed, double-spaced nonfiction Christian related essay of no more than 3,000 words.

2. You may enter as many stories as you like � reading fee applies to each individual manuscript.

For further information, please contact Marcella Simmons, ARK-LA-Tex WRITER�S CIRCLE. or email: [email protected].


$$75; $50; $25, honorary mention and publication


Marcy Simmons
Marcy Simmons
Logansport , LA


Created Aug 23, 2009