Lesson 5

Lesson 5

A Lesson by Tantra Bensko

Break out of a pattern.


Pay attention to the anecdotes you tell people, the stories you tell yourself in your head about the narrative of your life as you remember it. Think about any fiction you've written before, and the kind of mood you are generally in. For example, do you tend to be melancholic and heavy, analytical, ponderous? If so, your goal for this exercise is to do something out of character. To write something the reverse of that, active, playful, silly, light, you can work with your own psychology in whatever way helps. But include movement. If you have any way to be alone start dancing around, getting more lively, making yourself laugh, acting out animals, interpreting anything that comes to mind with your actions. Make them quick and do them with flare.

Whatever your pattern is, reverse it by movement and intent and write a story you would have never written before. If this is the one you're thinking of sending me for a free evaluation, keep it Flash Fiction.

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Posted 6 Years Ago

5:01 PM U.S. CST
"The Iconoclast Personality Type and The Lazy Mentalist"
by PB Jacobs (www.writerscafe.org)

Hey, Tantra

Yeah, as you can see, I'm tip toe'ing through your lesson's, and in this one, The Iconoclast Personality Type comes to mind, and so does The Lazy Mentalist (an idea of mine).

Lazy Mentalists don't seem to have a good enough grasp on their Iconoclast Personality Type, if you ask me, as in they don't understand it.

Face it, far too many people don't bother to identify and explore their inner anatomy and discover how it really works. If they did, things in the writing world would make more sense to them. A writer who understands what's really going on with him/her self, has a good start on having a rock solid and gainful competitive advantage, provided it's his or her's, if you ask me. After all, behavior is what a person say's and/or does.

PB Jacobs
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Added on March 19, 2013
Last Updated on March 19, 2013

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Tantra Bensko
Tantra Bensko

Berkeley, CA

I teach fiction writing through UCLA Ex. Writing Program, and my own academy online where I focus on Experimental Writing, which I also teach through Writers College when I have time. I have nearly 20..