How to Create a Believable World and Situation

How to Create a Believable World and Situation

A Lesson by Julia Mancini

I give answers to your questions.


It's always important to remember that science fiction must be based upon science fact. When creating a new world, it's always beneficial to make it resemble something the audience knows. This doesn't mean say using an i-pod. Rather, to incorperate this technology, the author may create a divice similar to the i-pod but far more advanced. Just remember, what is in your real world should have some kind of tie to the real world. This just allows the readers to pick up on the sensory details far better than if everything was made up from the blue.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

How do you come up with names when you create places?
Right now the thing that is making my stories unbelievable is the names...
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Added on December 13, 2011
Last Updated on December 13, 2011
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Julia Mancini
Julia Mancini

n/a, FL