Not here : Writing

2: Respite

2: Respite

A Chapter by Not here

Chapter 2 “I barely even recognized you at first,” she said as we walked down the sidewalk. “With that hat and those sunglasses, I t..
3: Abjure

3: Abjure

A Chapter by Not here

A few days later it was a Friday. I could actually walk by then, and I had no plans, so I texted Abigail. Maybe she was free, too. I was thinking abo..
4: Cairn

4: Cairn

A Chapter by Not here

That afternoon, I knocked on the door to Abigail’s home. There was no answer at first, and I thought about ringing the doorbell. Just when I was..
5: Bare

5: Bare

A Chapter by Not here

“So where’d you end up sleeping last night?”Abigail and I were seated across from each other at the small coffee shop I often visite..
6: Waylay

6: Waylay

A Chapter by Not here

A few days later...“Caleb!” my aunt shouted from downstairs. “I need you to wake up!”“Why?” I yelled back.I he..
7: Purloin

7: Purloin

A Chapter by Not here

A few days later...“Can we go on a walk today?”Ayva looked up at me from the table, where I’d once again made her eggs. So far, she ..
8: Lucifer

8: Lucifer

A Chapter by Not here

“Come up here,” Father yelled from upstairs. He always yelled. There was no talk; there was only yell.“Busy,” it called. it wa..
9: Twine

9: Twine

A Chapter by Not here

I sat there as she finished his story. Her story. Their story. Whatever it was called. I was shaking and unable to wrap my mind around what she had ju..
10: Malefactor

10: Malefactor

A Chapter by Not here

A few days later...“Guess what I brought today?” Ayva shouted as soon as she walked in the door. She would throw her backpack onto the cou..
11: Cloven

11: Cloven

A Chapter by Not here

“Let her go, Damian!” I shouted as I got to the crest of the bridge.We were facing each other so high above the river I could have sworn t..