Active Reviewers : Forum : Friday, Oct 9, 2009

Friday, Oct 9, 2009

14 Years Ago

All right! Here's my first, err....honorable mention??? :P

As I mentioned in a previous thread, I'm going to start posting one piece a day that I particularly enjoyed that specific day. Here's the one writer/piece that gave me that idea!

Writer: LeftRightLeft

Piece: So and So

(My review's already there, so you'll see exactly why I chose this piece.) IMO, I would really like for the group as a whole to go and review each of these nominated pieces. I would also like it if YOU nominated a certain write from someone other than yourself. I think this'll be a great way to get more stuff known and out there. ^.^ K--thanks!!

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

I've reviewed it! *bows and smiles* Yesh!

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

Yaaaaaaay Story!!! ^.^

*Sticks a gold star sticker to Story's forehead*

^.^ Whoever reviews it gets a gold star, teeheez!

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

(storytailor is laying down on bed calmy reading a meaningless book about applesauce)

omg! *freaks out because a star randomly appears on forehead* Gah!!!! *jumps up and runs around in mad circles until runs into a wall*

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

:P Dork......!!

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

*sniffles* so... mean....

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

i can imagine that! ha dork, why a book about applesauce?