Artistic Freedom : Forum : For you....?

For you....?

13 Years Ago

For you, what's your 'mojo' genre of writing? What genre of writing are you best at writing?

For you romance writers/readers, what makes a romance? The flaw in a character that ends up being fix (for example a heartbroken man falling in love?)? Tell me what it is.

For you thrill readers/writers, what's the joy of writing thrill or suspense? Is it creating the kill or the scare, or the overall "you can't believe where this is going" challenge of writing?

For fantasy writers/readers, How do you manage to come up with your plot or settings when a lot of fantasy is imagination? How do you go from imagination to paper?

For writers in general, what's your favorite part of writing? Is it the joy of having people read it or the joy of just letting your imagination flow into something on paper you can go back and read later on?

Tell me what type of writer you are.

Me? I'm a fantasy, suspense (try to), and romance (defiantly try to) writer so I know the answers to these questions that work for me. But what about you? Everyone's different and I'm interested in finding out how unique and different we all are. :)