Axell - Transforming Human Resources Into Assets


AXELL is a model to transform professionals in knowledge economy to human assets. Each human asset is a combination of personal, organisation and professional �print cells� that can, if nurtured properly plan his growth. AXELL is a framework that helps knowledge-intensive organisation to manage human �resources� as human assets and present a continuing exposure of excellence to move professional from current state of problem solving to future state of opportunity creation.

AXELL has taken a really a great leap towards knowledge enhancement plan through a very structured multi-dimensional measures. Recognizing inherent and acquired content in human as wealth is becoming the real world that value asset with potential to increase or grow wealth. AXELL is a framework that has the capability to introduce soft measures for a set of three-dimensional attributes viz. competence or potential, purity of asset for continuity, delivery and given a measure to them. The resultant is a color, which is very specific to knowledge professionals. The resultant color is a direct indicator and is uniquely identifiable for recruitments or usage for various business applications. AXELL has also expressed the spin and growth, which is well-accepted fact without its measures and goals. AXELL is indeed a model for professional nourishment from dreamer, researcher to connoisseur based on their growth in continuity and delivery.

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