Between the Pages : Forum : Let's give our cabin a name!

Let's give our cabin a name!

9 Years Ago

Because we're all super creative and aren't intimidated by things like titles at all. Right? Right?

^sound of crickets chirping^

Yeah, so anyone tells me to "be creative" I go all deer-in-the-headlights. Anyone else braver than me?

Re: Let's give our cabin a name!

9 Years Ago

Since this is a writers cafe why don't we give it a cafe name? Like how writers go to a cafe to work, that's essentially what we're doing, it could be like our "local" then :)

Re: Let's give our cabin a name!

9 Years Ago

With the help of some random name generators and too much caffiene, I've come up with a few names:

Chatter, Natter, and Blather

Between the Pages

Café des Bons Mots

Cabin Caesura

Motivation from the Marginalia

What do you guys think? Did too much caffeine compromise my judgement? Like any of them? Dislike any of them? Have any other suggestions? I won't take any criticism personally, so please, feel free to say what you'd like!

Re: Let's give our cabin a name!

9 Years Ago

I like Between the Pages - an interesting way to think about being a writer.

Re: Let's give our cabin a name!

9 Years Ago

I like between the pages too

Re: Let's give our cabin a name!

9 Years Ago

between the pages

Re: Let's give our cabin a name!

9 Years Ago

I'm also a fan of Between the Pages.

Shall we give it another day (until Friday 11:59 US EST) and then make it official?

Re: Let's give our cabin a name!

9 Years Ago

We have a cabin name! Thanks, VerityD.