Blue Collar Alcoholics Club : Forum : No Subject

No Subject

16 Years Ago

Don't got any drinkin' writings, but what the s**t, thought I'd join anyways. Figured company is better then drinking/writing alone.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I write about how empty it feels to be drunk, not necessarily while drunk tho. thanks for joining this sorry excuse for a group, its prob a good sign there are so few, or people are in denial! ::drool::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I love getting drunk. i love the feeling, love not being able to walk properly, and when i fall over it just makes me laugh!
alcoholism isnt funny, i know (my dad and step dad are both alcoholics, not a fun childhood) but i love the sensation of being absolutely plastered.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

::drool:: Yeah everything in moderation I say, well, almost everything!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I seem to get the ball rolling faster after I have had a few Canadian kool-aids. And, it does grease the wheels to a point. If you go to far, you are writing in another