Coffee Break : Forum : Fantasic author!

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Fantasic author!

10 Years Ago

Chapter One. Book: One Lost Hope. © by S. D. Blankenship      I had just heard my mum in the larder as our da' walked in the front door breathing heavily with his asthma. "The... car... is ready t-to... go, "he said wheezing his breath for air. I was fiddling to put my stuffed bunny rabbit in my school bag, which was all ready cramped full of two weeks of homework I will be missing.      My younger sister ran into the room screaming banging her knapsack against the door frame. She was diagnosed with ADHD when she was seven years old. Mum, had blamed herself. For three years, we watched her depression grow. Then, last year, we all sit in terror, knowing we couldn't stop her... Stop her from putting that gun in her mouth... watching her eyes grow with excitement, and then,... she did it... The one big thing that made each of us flinch...      The sounds of the shot echoed throughout the upstairs. I sat in my room that night waiting for something -- anything.      My sister was never the same. To me, it seems she has no emotions. She's happy, sure... But, what type of person would be happy-go-lucky after a thing like your mum shooting herself?      I carried my bag to the car parked outside. It wasn't the newest car in Berkshire. But to my da' his 1979 Ford Ranchero was his pride and joy. I'm sure if my da' had a better paying job, he'd still keep this car just for the pride of owning it.      I walked around the back of the truck and felt a cold chill go down my body. The neighbor's dog came running at me with white foam around its mouth. He was stopped by his rusted chain. Thank God. It's not that I like dogs being tied up, but this dog is at lest three times bigger than I am.      I lifted my bag over the tail gate. My sister came skipping and humming the tune of Spongebob Squirepants. She sit her bag down at my feet. I grabbed it. She stood staring into the sky. Her body dancing like a fish out of water. I threw her bag over the tail gate and covered it over with a canapé with mine.      "I've been a very good girl," I heard my sister say looking up into the sky. To read more of S. D. Blankenship’s writing click the link.