Fiction Writing Group : Forum : New member, new novels!

New member, new novels!

6 Years Ago

Hey all, 

I was told about this site by a friend of mine who knows I like writing stories.

I'm currently working on a new novel "Taking Steps" surrounding a group trying to make their way in a world of darkness and infested by creatures known as "Demons".

I'd really like your thoughts and reviews on my work, if you could please take a look. I will do so in return, it's nice to read new work!

Thank you,


Re: New member, new novels!

6 Years Ago

Hey Curtis_Squitris! This is Carmoel. 

I can't wait to read your new story. I will check it out as soon as I finish up this "post" I guess you could say. 

I also really enjoy writing. I've been writing every since I was young and I think it's fun. Do you write often? Have you ever finished a book? I patiently await your response. 

- Carmoel

P.S. Sorry for how long it took to write you.