Getting started, prompts : Forum : Setting and Point of View

Setting and Point of View

11 Years Ago

In a paragraph describe the setting for a haunted house.

In a paragraph describe the setting for a love scene.

In a paragraph describe the setting for a fight, either verbal or physical.

Describe the rooms of the following three characters; an artist, a spoiled child, a military leader.

Here is a classic creative writing prompt that can be found in almost every writing workshop. Describe a building from the point of view of a man who just lost his only son in war. Do it without mentioning death, war, his son, or himself. Describe that same building at the same time of day and weather conditions, from the point of view of a man who has just discovered he's going to be a father. The same rules apply however, don't mention birth, or babies. (If you feel more comfortable change it to a woman's point of view.) The point of this is to challenge yourself to see through your characters eyes. What is ugly and brutal to one person, in one frame of mind, may not be to another.

Point of View
Mark is a thief, but after his third burglary, he is caught by police. Write his story in first person (from Mark's point of view), omniscient point of view (the all knowing, all seeing "God-like" voice), from limited third person, switching between Mark and one of the police officers who arrest him.

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