Girls That Talk Dirty : Forum : Short Stories

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Short Stories

16 Years Ago

I am reading through the submissions and can only advise that in the main they are erotic if not arousing or downright stimulating. My partner is paying the price.

Getting to this stage however it behoves me to raise a few comments, one in particular. Some of the stories are very short and although well written and get to the point of being erotic lack some of the essential elements of a short story.

I pulled the following out of Wikipedia as it expresses what I would say.

In longer forms of fiction, stories tend to contain certain core elements of dramatic structure: exposition (the introduction of setting, situation and main characters); complication (the event of the story that introduces the conflict); rising action, crisis (the decisive moment for the protagonist and their commitment to a course of action); climax (the point of highest interest in terms of the conflict and the point of the story with the most action); resolution (the point of the story when the conflict is resolved); and moral.

Because of their short length, short stories may or may not follow this pattern. Some do not follow patterns at all. For example, modern short stories only occasionally have an exposition. More typical, though, is an abrupt beginning, with the story starting in the middle of the action. As with longer stories, plots of short stories also have a climax, crisis, or turning-point. However, the endings of many short stories are abrupt and open and may or may not have a moral or practical lesson.

Of course, as with any art form, the exact characteristics of a short story will vary by author.

On that basis without dismissing some of what is otherwise good writing can I ask you to perhaps go back over your submissions and render them if you see fit. I say this because being the grand schemer I am, the idea of producing a compilation of short erotic film clips is not out of the question but they need more than just a quick although highly charged f**k.