Inspiration Here : Forum : How this works:

How this works:

13 Years Ago

I created this group mainly to keep track of the pictures that I find most inspiring, with the purpose of possibly sharing that inspiration with others. Why keep it all to myself? XD
So about once a week, or maybe bi-weekly since I'm very forgetful, I will post a few pictures. Then you can chose whichever one you find most appealing and write about it. So long as it's not an epic or a novel, I'll review it. Hell, you can even write about all of them at once! :D
My only warning is that I don't read anything dirty. >.> Don't ask, it's not that I'm a prude, I've just got stuff I don't like to talk about. :3

Oh, and if you've got an image you're especially proud of, feel free to send me a link and I might post it up. :D

And just one more rule thing. I have the group writing set to approved only. Mainly for the fact that I don't want people sharing poems or stories they'd written prior to this group or ever having seen the pictures in the group. I'd like to keep it all on topic. :3

OKAY! With that finished, I suppose I'll get the first group up. *zoom*

Also, if you have any questions or suggestions, direct them here.