Mysteries of Velderoth : Forum : Tribal positions

Tribal positions

10 Years Ago

Tribal positions fall under five main positions: Tribe Leader, second in command, hunters/warriors, guardians and representatives. Other positions may be added to the list, specific to your tribe's needs.     Here is a brief description of each position's job.    Tribe leader: Leads the tribe and makes decisions that affect the entire tribe. Tribe leader also attends tribe gatherings once a month.    Second in command: Assists the tribe leader with tribal matters. Also attends tribe gatherings.    Hunters/warriors: Hunt and fight for the tribe    Guardians: Guard the tribe and are the first line of defence should the tribe come under attack. Can also serve as hunters and warriors    Representatives: Attend tribe gatherings with the tribe leader and second in command.    Alternative tribal positions for the Wolf tribes   Manufacturers: Develop and create weapons and tools to aid the tribe with various jobs.   Scouts: Act as a search and find party should a tribe member go missing. Also patrol Wolf tribe boarders to ensure no trespassers intrude on Wolf territory.    These positions can be used in other tribes if a tribal leader wishes to make use of such jobs