Poetry From The Heart : Forum : Tell me about the person who y..

Tell me about the person who you love

14 Years Ago

Hey everyone. Tell me about the person you can call your love. It can be a family member, a lover, a friend or a pet it doesn't matter. Lets just be able to had an open area to talk.

Re: Tell me about the person who you love

14 Years Ago

The person I love is my girlfriend. She is very special to me. She is the other half of my heart, mind, and soul. She is every grain of sand on this planet, every star in the universe, every drop of blood that courses through my miserable veins. I love her more than anything, and I plan to be with her forever.

Re: Tell me about the person who you love

14 Years Ago

 Looking into her hazel eyes
 Sparkling like diamonds in the early morning sun.
Her hair flowing, a silken robe, framing her pale face.
 A smile radiating warmth, melting the coldest of hearts.
Her hands gentle soft and warm offering comfort.
Her touch sends sparks rocketing through my very soul.
The Gentle slope of her neck, taunting me to gently kiss and caress.
The air is saturated with her scent and essence.
I dream of holding her firmly gathering her warmth
 Lips, lustful ripe to kiss, alluring drawing me ever closer.
Her voice whispers softly, hot breath caressing my cheek.
 Causing the hairs on my neck to stir.
Words have lost all meaning.
My body, mind and soul cyclone out of control, tunneling, falling, plunging.
 I awake to begin my day. And search for her again. Into the abyss I must go.

Re: Tell me about the person who you love

14 Years Ago

She's a beautiful girl, a beautiful girl who is to far away.

Re: Tell me about the person who you love

13 Years Ago

he is everythingo me. he has no idea how i feel. a day dosnt go by that i dont think of him<3

Re: Tell me about the person who you love

11 Years Ago

She's a fairy. A real angel. She's my bestest friend and I am hers.

Re: Tell me about the person who you love

11 Years Ago

I love a guy who is my best friend <3

Re: Tell me about the person who you love

6 Years Ago

It's been more than one person I've tried to give my heart too. Every time,I got it handed back in pieces. But the one person who I love with all my heart and soul is my best friend. I've known her since I was 5 or 6 years old. I saw her at random at school,but never got the chance to talk to her. Then,when I was 8,I finally met her. It was the first day of school and I was riding the school bus for the first time. I didn't know anyone and nearly all of the kids were mean and throwing swear words everywhere. I thought I was going to have to stand,until I turned around and saw her. An angel. People,I am not kidding,the aura around her was stark white and glowing like a lighthouse. Her smile welcomed me over and she offered for me to sit with her and her sister. After that,we became best friends. Thankfully,we lived next door to each other,so we hung out everyday AND we went to the same school. :) Then,the sad day came when she and her family moved. Shortly after,my family and I moved. I didn't see her beautiful face for five years,but we were able to talk on the phone regularly. At the age of 14,I realized that I had deep feelings  for her. Love,not lust. It wasn't until I was 17 that I finally mustered up the courage to tell her my true feelings for her. But,my precious angel informed me that while she was flattered to have a friend care about her so much,she wasn't "into girls like that". My heart broke that day and it remains broken. On the bright side,I still talk to her nearly everyday,showing her all the poetry I write for her and telling her how much I still love her.

At the age of 18,I reconnected with an old guy friend who I hadn't seen in years. Things were tough at home,so he was my ray of sunshine. He loved my poetry and shared my lust for vampires. He at one point asked me if I could be his girlfriend. I happily said yes. For a whole month,we talked everyday and he made me feel like he really cared about me. The next month,he seemed a little distant. As time passed,he barely talked to me. So,after five months of being nice and patient,I told him how he had hurt me. He didn't even notice. He spent his time gaming and forgot about me. I gave him my heart and he put it in a cage to wither away.

So now,I walk around with a gaping hole in my heart that I'm trying to fill.

Re: Tell me about the person who you love

6 Years Ago

The person i love broke my heart into pieces. he is the only song i want to sing, the lullaby when winters came. He is my strength, my faith, my life and world. He knew me more than anyone could. 

he is my feet when i couldn't walk, he believes in me when i think i can't. he  is a vow not a promise. he is not just a word nor sort of phrases. He is something i cant explain.
the person i love., he is my everything.

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