Poets exclusive : Forum : Inspiration.


12 Years Ago

I'm curious as to what inspires the other poets on this site. 
I've read so many poems that leave me speechless, but always wonder what the poet's inspiration(s) were. 
What inspires you? 

Re: Inspiration.

12 Years Ago

WEll, my moms emotionally abusive and ido not have any close friends.. thats a big uinspiration for many of my poems- another is the facts that i all the guys i fall in love with see me only as a good friend. and then, then there is the beauty of nature- and nature is an inspiration for many poets

Re: Inspiration.

12 Years Ago

wow that's some hard hitting inspiration, and it seems to work for you. Your poetry is amazing. It's cool that you can vent because of your poetry, I do that too often. ^^

Re: Inspiration.

12 Years Ago

TV shows.
Criminal Minds, Bones, Castle, and the X Files. BAM.

Re: Inspiration.

12 Years Ago

Dreams and things that suck :)

Re: Inspiration.

12 Years Ago

Music, Nature, People, Experiences, movies, annoying fictional people who just can't get out of your head :) (lol, I think that last one only applies to me...)