Pray For Oklahoma : Forum : Panorama Picture Of The Tornad..

Panorama Picture Of The Tornado.

10 Years Ago

I'm still sitting here wondering how something like this could happen. Sure its not the first time, but this was an EF4 Tornado. The damage was incredible afterwards. So sad about the loses. Keep Praying Everyone!

Re: Panorama Picture Of The Tornado.

10 Years Ago

I actually live in Oklahoma. We were luckily only damaged minimally where I live but it was still a horrifying experience for everyone who was in danger. It makes me sick to see those stories on the news... To see the loss and devastation... I pray that we are back on our feet again soon and my state is extremely grateful for the help we are receiving :)

Re: Panorama Picture Of The Tornado.

10 Years Ago

I swear I live in the luckiest city in the world. All of the super cells seemed to weaken just before they hit us or they went around us. We were left with a massive amount of rain, but that was it.

Re: Panorama Picture Of The Tornado.

10 Years Ago

Oh wow! Glad you didn't get hit too hard. You're lucky. & Yeah, it was quite upsetting. I followed it online that day, and the amount of damage that was done was horrible. I feel so bad for everyone there. It's going to take years to start over again. :(

And Abbey, That was good that you only got rain. Glad it missed you! I'm pretty lucky that I dont live somewhere like that. I'm not a fan of tornados. 

Re: Panorama Picture Of The Tornado.

10 Years Ago

I'd rather live with tornadoes than hurricanes like Florida, or earthquakes like California. But I want to get out of Oklahoma as soon as I can. The weather here is crazy! It's always either too hot, too cold, or too stormy. And it's always too windy!