Ragnarok : Forum : Mission One: The Starting Poin..

Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

If we're all on the same page here, our characters' adventures in Ragnarok already began with the formation of Team Spearhead a few years ago. During the many months since then, they've worked together in helping locals, putting down foes of the peace, and racking up fame across the territories. In the meantime, the fabled team has made sect Jasper's home - an isolated yet perfectly placed cave - their fortified and well supplied headquarters in the meantime.

The Team's exact location on the super continent is in the mid-south wasteland region of Kentarn where death is almost a certainty for any traveler foolish enough to venture out there unprepared. However, Team Spearhead is not made up of such unprepared fools and their proud hideout is in the very last place their enemies, rivals, or such, would think to look; a sun baked desert.

So, in the home base that is Jasper's cave, that is where this - our - tale begins. After having slept through another night after returning from another successful mission that took down certain slavers near Lytainia, the members of Team Spearhead are waking up at dawn to begin a new day during the most irritating age of Ragnarok.

A Bad Night, A Good Home

10 Years Ago

August: I was asleep. Yes, I was asleep... Asleep. In some part of me, I knew that fact to be true without question. Nevertheless, whenever this familiar nightmare filled with death - this terrifying imagery of anima, elven, along with human soldiers falling around me against a common wolfish enemy in a mess of fire, blood, and chaos - had come to me during my slumber for the past few years, I couldn't keep from fully believing in it. It was just too... real to not be believed in, you know?

Seriously, the ancient wolken enemies that assaulted me from every direction and which I repeatedly shot with my magnum, that I slashed aside with my blade, that I occasionally evaded to run purposefully onwards towards my goal, seemed much too real to just be some phantom images made before my mind's eye. Worse than that though and perhaps which made me truly tremble were the harsh cries of agony that came from those that were dying in the heat of battle, that wouldn't be seeing their families again, that were going to join the sweet goddess soon enough.

Yet through it all, ignoring the horrors of the fighting all around me and the sacrifices of the noble souls which were my allies that let me run as fast as I could unhindered, I made my way further into the heart of the armies that were fiercely clashing. Speedily, I raced passed ranks of elves who were firing magical volleys of arrows into the enemy ranks with their bows! As I made my way further, human and anima soldiers with guns, swords, shields, were engaging foes in close combat! At one moment, I even had to roll out of the way as an anti-air wolken mech blasted a human hover jet out of the rose red sky!

You see, after having seen this nightmare too many times, my focus wasn't on seeing the sights nor fighting the enemies that randomly jumped in my way. No, I needed to chase down as well as take out a certain wolken warrior - my most hated enemy - that was always fleeing me during this horrible dream!

True, I may have been in the midst of an all out hellish battle. Yet, despite the torrent of bloodshed, the foes that tried to engage me, I knew in my rapidly beating heart that I needed to catch up with the wolf running away from me! If I didn't get to him, he would unleash something far worse than what was going on around me now... And the consequences of failure, the consequences of me not catching that wolken evading me, were much too great to suffer!

In the name of the good goddess, I couldn't be stopped or slowed down! The wolken I pursued had to be stopped! He had to be!

Nevertheless, no matter how hard I ever tried in keeping with him, no matter how many wolken warriors I killed off, no matter how noble the efforts of my allies were in helping me keep the worst from happening, I could never kill my doggish target before he reached his desired location. Once where he wanted to be, once at the peak of some raised plateau of land in the battlefield, the wolken soldier I always sought to kill would always turn to me with a most sinister grin and glint in his golden eyes.

In turn, even though I knew I had already lost to him, I always defiantly raised my magnum at the wolf warrior I needed dead and shot him straight in the forehead. Of course, the bullet hit him directly in the brain. Regardless though, he wouldn't fall down and die like I wanted. No, he would only let out a howlish like cackle towards the crimson heavens before purposefully pointing a claw towards me.

"Ha ha, you've failed!" He always jeered at me, always having made it to this peak and beaten me in trying to keep him from bringing the worst of things to the already gory battlefield, "You've failed your friends, your land, your goddess! There is no turning back now! As of this moment, all of Gaia suffers for your failure!"

And at that moment, as the nightmare had always ended since the first time I had experienced it several years ago, the distant heavens deposited a missile from its clouds above that struck the battlefield far in the distance! From that place where the warhead hit, as an ominous mushroom cloud formed, a powerful wave of energy, blinding flame, as well as certain death swept over the open war field that I along with everyone stood exposed upon!

"You've failed! Ha ha, you've failed!" The wolken warrior I could never stop laughed at me as the shock wave from the recent atomic bomb hit him with full force, "And you'll always fail! You'll never stop me! You'll never stop the age of Ragnarok! You'll never stop the fall of the west!"

Yeah. Since it had begun a bit ago, the nightmare always ended the same way. I tried to stop this fanatic wolf of the east empire from bringing atomic doom from the sky unto this battlefield and never ever had I stopped him from destroying everything, from bringing down the west, from beginning the age of Ragnarok.

Truly, this entire ordeal wasn't real but every time I saw this happen... I just couldn't help letting out an angry if not defiant roar as I was blasted into bits by the nuclear warhead that had just exploded. Why did I always fail my fellows on this field of war? Why did I always fail the goddess? Why couldn't I have stopped the age of Ragnarok?

And then, as everything turned blindingly white around me, it was then that I always awoke with a rapidly beating heart, with cold sweat clinging to my body, with my breaths coming out in terrified pants.


"Ah. Early to bed, early to rise, my friend?" Jasper the insect like sect as well as keeper of the cavern that was team Spearhead's home base curiously asked of me when I appeared from the sleeping quarters, "Truly, August, since the completion of your and your team's latest mission, I didn't expect to see you until nearly high noon today."

To Jasper, I could have shown him the reason for my early rise. I could have admitted to him what I had admitted to him numerous times already for the past few years since we'd met in the middle of nowhere, that Id been awakened this early in the morning due to a most familiar nightmare of the world's end or such. Nevertheless, for his own sake, I couldn't bring the topic up with Jasper. He'd just over worry, over exasperate, over complicate things than they already were.

"Bah ha ha! You don't have to constantly worry about me or the team, Jasper!" I happily laughed instead of talking about bad dreams, finding it quite funny that the sect who had come to adopt me into his life as family since five years ago was still fretting over others and not himself by now, "Like we agreed at the start of this team of ours those few years ago, you have your job and we have ours, bud. You handle the status of supplies, ammunition, and such while me as well as the others keep the jobs coming."

"Well, forgive this one for caring for those who keep not only the cash coming in but also those who have come to be known as the heroes of this region of Kentarn." Jasper clicked at me in his insect tone, turning back to focus on what he'd been working on before my arrival, "You see, I may be in charge of our supplies, our ammo, along with contracts. However, how are any of those things going to be any use when you along with the others are falling asleep in the middle of battle due to waking up too early and are suffering from-"

"Okay, stop, slow down. Would it help ease your nerves if you took my pulse, bug man?" I cut in, rolling my eyes while chuckling at the same time, "Do you have some pills I can take to keep me from becoming severely sick with insomnia from having woken up so early today? Should I do some meditation or-"

"No, no, and no. Don't make this so overly complex, my boy." Jasper laughed in his own alien like way at my jovial playing along with his worrying, "Just let my test your pulse here and... Yes, you seem fine enough. You have steady heartbeat, strong bones, a good tint in your cheeks."

"Excellent to hear. Seriously, music to my ears." I replied, looking over my wrist that had been tested for healthiness, "Thank you for caring so much about the team's well being, Jasper... Still, you need to know when to take a break too. You don't have to be the babysitter for Team Spearhead every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every-"

"You know, you've told me this same thing for the past few years since I found you out in the middle of nowhere." Jasper gently interrupted, purposefully tracing places over the world map of Gaia he was looking over meanwhile, "Yuki has told me that I don't need to be worried over her magical conditions and Antigonsh has attempted many times to keep me from checking him for disease."

At this, Jasper gave me a dutiful glance with his glowing eyes as he explained next, "But tell me, during this certain crazy age we all live in... Is it not better to be safe than sorry? Would you prefer I keep Team Spearhead in tip top condition rather than be lazy for one day and let them be lost to needful Kentarn forever ever after?"

"Jasper, you need to relax." I stated with not only humor but gratitude, truly feeling humbled to have had such a kindhearted sect keep me as well as the rest of Team Spearhead in good shape for the last few years, "The people of Kentarn may be depending on us to get some jobs done. Nevertheless, the goddess Gaia had to take some rest during her infinite work in teaching us mortals the ways of living. Thus, I'm sure the people we're protecting will understand when we have to rest too."

"That's a good point, my friend." Jasper acknowledged, focusing back onto circling certain locations - mainly in Kentarn - on the map before him at the same time, "Neveretheless, while you heroes are resting up... This certain aid of yours just cannot do so. Forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive." I responded, actually taking an interest in what my insectoid friend was up to at the moment while patting his shoulder, "If anything, you should be commended for all of your caring work, Jasper. Still, take my words seriously, won't you? We heroes may be doing good but without you, bud, we wouldn't last very long afterwards."

At this, as I reassured him, I smiled at working Jasper, "So don't stress yourself too much with what you're doing here. And as for what you're doing here, Jasper... What is it you're doing with the map? What's with the circles?"

Indeed, I had just taken notice that on the table before us both, there were stacks of papers, documents, plus more. Then, there were also navigational items as well as objects here as well as there amid the mess. Judging by seeing all of this, although he had just been lecturing me on waking up early, it seemed Jasper here had maybe pulled an all-nighter while planning what move Team Spearhead would be wise to make next.

Here or there on the world map that showed Gaia, I observed that Jasper had circled where myself and the team had just recently completely defeated a local band of slavers that had been preying on travelers going to and from Lytainia. The enemies on the last mission hadn't been as supposedly organized as said in the contract and with Yuki's magic, Antigonsh stealth, Jasper's intel, plus my strengths, all threats had been neutralized in the area which we celebrated last night. Now, it looked like Team Spearhead would be patrolling their territory not only for signs of trouble but also to keep in good contact with the locals.

"You say it's early in the morning, Jasper?" I wondered aloud, feeling satisfied at seeing what Team Spearhead's next move might be, "How early is it?"

"Hm... The last I checked outside as well as with the electronics," The insectoid replied, going on to keep plotting out moves for the team on the world map, "it seemed to almost be dawn. I know for certain that the horizon was turning lighter when I last went out for a breath of fresh air."

"Ah, swell." I announced, brightly stretching while walking away from Jasper towards where I knew I could freshen up for the coming day, "Then there's no reason for me to go back to bed. I might as well go bathe, brush my teeth, just clean up ahead of the others while I can."

"That sounds most agreeable, my boy." Jasper agreed, nodding his head, "Be sure to get behind your ears, the soles of your feet, the palms of your hands, so on. Get every nook and crevice that is yours."

"Of course, dad. Of course. I'll be sure to come back extra squeaky clean."


"Bah. Phew. Ugh." I exhaled to myself after having dunked my shampooed head into the pool of fresh if not natural cavern water that was located in what was supposedly the restroom area, "A nightmare, bad sleep, and restless night, oh my... Well, nothing better to help a poor soul get through those things than dowsing one's head in mother nature's cold H2O, eh?"

Through the surrounding cave's dark dankness which was effectively illuminated by nearby outdoor lanterns powered by the available generators located further back, my casual voice echoed back to me. At this, at hearing myself, I couldn't keep from thinking a bit about my own mortality rather than the nightmare I had recently experienced. In turn, sitting in a criss-cross applesauce position near the water's edge, I thoughtfully looked over the image that was myself reflected in the cavern pond's surface.

August Shant Cousitar; the twenty-one year old, well built caucasion male with short, dirty brown hair, lightning blue eyes, and was a member of elite Team Spearhead of Kentarn.

That was who I was while sitting near the cave's water during this moment of pondering and that's who I had been for as long as I could remember. Of course, there was plenty more to my life than just that. Yet, considering how I had been adopted by dear gentle sect Jasper out in the deserts five years ago and couldn't remember anything before then... it was kind of impossible for me to recall being anything then.

All I really knew for now was that I had spent my life - what part of it here, anyway - taking part in missions with Team Spearhead and helping locals who needed help facing the dangers of the current age of Ragnarok. And as for Ragnarok, the world that I as well as Team Spearhead lived in today, it was much like the nightmare I had recently had. The world I - everyone - lived in today was a hellish mess of nuclear radiation, bloodthirsty monsters, plus more ill.

Nevertheless, it wasn't all bad. What good there was to be had was desperately held onto by everyone alive and with Team Spearhead active nowadays, hope was rather high for everyone. And as for the team that was mine as well as Jasper's, I wondered if I was the only one awake. Perhaps the others were up by now too? If not, I could always go back to the sleeping quarters and wait for them to awaken. That or rouse them for a early start to a new day.

Yeah, that sounded good. As Jasper was completing his plans for Team Spearhead's next move in patrolling the territory along with keeping in contact with locals, the team and I wouldn't mind getting prepped to start early, right? Either way, drying my refreshed self off as I made my exit from the restroom portion of the cave, I looked to get my team members up to ready themselves to get ready for a new day of doing their duty, of protecting good against evil, of proving the age of Ragnarok wrong in being all hopelessness.

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Yuki: I am awoken by the sounds of Jasper and August in another room amongst the cavenous place we call home. It has become a ritual to have it so. After 269 years it is nice to have routine again. It is odd however, that though it has been so long I still feel the same as any ninteen year old would. As I hear August go towards the bath area I decide to get up.

"Good morning Yuki." The clicking insect like Jasper says as I walk in to the room. I nod to him as I always do. After all, actions speak louder than words, and I find it tedious to speak a lot when very little is needed to get the point across.
"Would you like some breakfast?" He asks me. I shake my head at him, such is also routine. We both know that the first place I will go is outside. Seeing the barren lanscape reminds me why I do what I do. Why the Spearhead knocked on my door a short time ago and asked me to join.

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Jemma: I pass Yuri on the way back inside, giving only a slight nod in acknowledgment. I had been up for hours, sleep having been out of my reach. Slipping past Jasper hadn't been that hard, and I'd stayed outside, hoping the clean air would clear my thoughts. I walk into the main area, giving a soft smile to Jasper. I know he doesn't like the fact that I'm a bit of a loner, even in our tight-knit group. But, that's just me. I see August come into the main room, hair still wet, and hold back a slight laugh at the little bits of hair sticking up in odd places. "Morning, August." I call, walking over "You might want to fix your hair." I smile "Just a thought."

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Antigonsh: I walk into the main room from my own, which is a small underground lake separate from the one used for bathing, and sit down away from everyone else giving a hand wave of acknowledgment.  

Up and At Em' Guys

10 Years Ago

August: It seemed my plans to rouse the team for an early start was fated to be short lived. Seriously, I didn't even make it remotely close to the sleeping quarters when one my fellow team member's - the most attractive, brown haired, gray-green eyed, Jemma Giustina - came out of nowhere to point fun at my drying yet messed up brown hair. Before I knew it, I had quite forgotten that I was going to awaken Team Spearhead and was laughing along with my miss Giustina or she who was the shadow operator on my as well as Jasper's made team.

"Morning August," Jemma had greeted me from my blind spot to my right, coming forward while gesturing towards my dried hair with a radiant smile, "You know, it's just a thought but you might want to fix you hair."

"Ha ha! And good morning to you as well, dear Jemma!" I chuckled in reply, brushing my supposedly odd hairstyle into what was hopefully more respectable, "Forgive me for the bad hair day. I didn't realize I was about to be judged in the comforts of my own cavern home now. Anyway, about fixing my hair, perhaps I should perhaps I shouldn't."

"Well, if you're not willing to fix it." Jemma chimed, reaching up to eagerly mess with my hairstyle in turn, "I'd be willing to lend you a helping hand in the matter."

"Then go right ahead and lend me a hand. You have my utmost gratitude on the matter."

And there in the middle of the cave between the plaza as well as restroom areas, I allowed Jemma to tussle, brush, along with shape my attention needing hairstyle into a more suitable form for what was - oh - maybe the hundredth time. Of course, as this was being done for my own well being, I tried not to appear to be too red in the face. 

You see, although the skilled shadow operative, miss Giustina here with me was quite the beautiful individual on Team Spearhead. Clearly, before having come onto the team that was mine and Jasper's, her gorgeousness could be blamed on her having been raised close to the Lytainia borders known as Leafwall all of her life. When there, when with her father, she'd spoken of how she'd gained elf friends, of how she'd seen magnificent sights, of how she'd improved in hunting until ready to join a more magnificent cause; defending the weak from chaos.

Yes, while she stood so close to me while making my hair look better, I had many reasons to be a friend if not fan of Jemma Giustina. Ever since she had joined Team Spearhead, I had come to learn that she might have been a lethal fighter that had inherited several skills of the southern elves. Nevertheless, she was a brave, faithful, not to mention helpful fighter that I had come to respect when alongside on the battlefield.

To be honest, she had saved me from several grave instances in the past. More so than I had saved her, maybe. Yet, heh, who could keep track of such things during battle right? There were no such things as debts to Jemma or anyone else on Team Spearhead. On the team, we were brothers and sisters. And as one big family, we were willing to not only help locals but keep one another from meeting a quick end.

"There." Miss Giustina finally got around to saying with a smile, stepping back from me with a bounce in her step, "Now you won't look so much like a dork when Yuki comes back inside."

"Ah, good." I laughed back. Then, at having registered Jemma's words, I asked of her quite keenly next, "Wait, when Yuki comes back inside? What do you mean by that?"

"She just went outside to get some fresh air a moment ago, Aug." My attractive companion replied, gesturing back to where Jasper was in the plaza and also where the exit to the outside world was, "To be honest, judging by how she looked when I was coming back inside, I think she just woke up a few moments ago."

Ah, the mysteriously quiet half human-half elf girl of the team, Yuki. Since she had joined Team Spearhead some years back, Yuki had shown the rest of us that she was as enigmatic as she was helpful. Since then, she had been solely responsible for the gardens of vegetables, fruits, along with flowers that had been effectively planted as well as grown into a fine source of replenishing supplies back in another portion of the cave. Jasper had been eager to help her grow this kind of farm. Nevertheless, for her own reasons, she had rejected the sect's help as well as any other support and had always happily farmed her items alone.

Like Jemma, in her own way, Yuki was a bit of a shadow or loner. Despite being on my team, the human/elf girl liked her space and I guess I kind of knew why already. Whenever I had spent any alone time with Yuki in the past, I had only had to look in her eyes to notice that she had a bit on her mind at all times. Perhaps that would explain why she took joy in farming by herself, in having her space, in being the quiet type. With her participating in Team Spearhead missions, she had more than enough going on in her life without everyone trying to take up whatever private time she had.

Moving on, despite the differences in its members, I had come to learn with Jasper's wisdom that Team Spearhead was Team Spearhead. After they had helped me make every mission in the past a successful one and continued to do so in the future, I held nothing against any one of my team members. Especially the pretty girls like Jemma as well as Yuki, heh.

And as for the girls of the team, had I heard everything right? With them having clearly woken up, it seemed I hadn't been the only one to start this day early.

"You came back inside the cave? You just came back inside?" I questioned of Jemma next, feeling a bit taken off-guard but already knowing the answer to my questions already, "Wait, what is that supposed to mean, Jemma? Were you awake before me then?"

"Well, yes." Jemma answered, nodding her graceful head in turn, "You haven't gotten used to that yet? It's always been myself and the lizdra that have been the night owls on Team Spearhead, right?"

"Right." I agreed, moving past my companion to see about see Yuki outside next, "But if I didn't know you were up earlier than me until now, then I suppose Jasper doesn't either?"

"No, he doesn't." Jemma chimed back, "And with good reason."

"Indeed." I replied over my shoulder, leaving Jemma behind, "I made the mistake of seeing him as soon as I woke up and, boy, did his health inspection and lectures seem to go on forever. Either way, I'm going to go meet Yuki and see how she's holding since our latest mission."

At this, Jemma stated with pride, "Our latest mission? Oh, right! Those slavers didn't stand a chance against us, did they?"

"No, they didn't. Not while you as well as Antigonsh were spooking them while myself and Yuki planted their campsite with mines. The conlcusion afterwards was bloody but... it ended on the best note; zero casualties for Team Spearhead and the locals both."


As I passed through the plaza to go outside, I hesitated a moment to playfully jab at busy Jasper at the map table, "And here you lectured me on waking up early while you knew Jemma had been outside for however long before me, you buggish goof! You really need to work on your sense of humor, my friend."

"Oh, quit acting like a baby." Jasper clicked back at me, not looking away from his work in the meantime, "I may miss things but not many. Jemma can believe that she's as quiet as a shadow but I'm not as inexperienced in keeping my senses as sharp as her. Remember, I have to keep my wits about me at all times to keep not only myself but you all of you alive with me."

Jemma and Antigonsh were silent as the darkness. Nonetheless, being a bug that had lived underground for for however long before coming the troubled surface world here, the team knew very well that it wasn't wise to underestimate Jasper. The sect had good enough skills at pretty much everything to be considered a threat lying in wait. If it came down to it, if his cave was ever raided, he could very well go down with a fight and maybe take every last enemy of his with him in the process.

Anyway, smiling at my sect friend's unpredictable randomness, I said to him before looking to head outside, "Then you saw Yuki venture outside, right? I'm just looking for her to be sure she'll be ready for whatever we have planned today."

"Yes. Yuki is outside getting some fresh air." Jasper responded with several beetle like clicks in his tone of voice, "And as for Antigonsh, there's no need for him to be woken up. he has also awakened."

"He has?" I wondered with pure curiosity, glancing around, "And how can you be sure of that?"

"Due to the fact that the lizdra just came out of the sleeping quarters and is sitting right next to you, my boy." Jasper stated with a chuckle, gesturing towards my left where - to my utmost shock - Antigonsh was indeed sitting beside me as still as a statue.

"Ah, whoa! Antigonsh!" I exclaimed with a yelp, taking a step back to view my lizard/ shadowy companion with respect, "Good morning, my friend! Sleep well?"

Much like how Yuki would have, Antigonsh didn't say anything back to me at my well intended question. Instead, he purposefully nodded his scaly horned, tattooed head that clearly said for him, "Yes. I rested well enough. Thanks."

"Excellent. Glad to hear you slept well." I said, trying not be too unnerved by the lizdra's silence or lack of interest in anything, "You're going to need all of your energy for today, bud. We're going to be seeing the locals while patrolling our territory today. So, also, try to at least smile during then, okay?"

Again, I only got a nod from Antigonsh. He didn't smile like I had wanted but, heh, we would see how things would turn out during the coming day.

Anyhow, I announced aloud while leaving the cave to go outside to join Yuki, "I'll be back inside momentarily, Jasper. In the meantime, we should see about preparing a meal before getting to work, eh?"

"Understood." My sect friend answered back, "Breakfast shall be prepared for the team soon enough. After I have finished with these plans, anyway."

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Antigonsh: " You don't need to prepare anything for me. I had some fish." I tell the sect, and then get up  to leave.

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Jemma: As August leaves, I walk back to the sleeping quarters. Usually, I just walk around the cave with a dagger or two. But, with a new mission coming up, I want to be ready to walk out as soon as we can. I grab my sword and gun, buckling on the belt that holds both the sheath and holster. Walking back out, I lean against a far wall, grabbing a moment of silence, waiting for the others to gather until I join them. Looking around, I take in the familiar cave. I go into a state of something akin to meditation, yet, different. One of my Elven friends had taught me to enter this state, one where your senses are heightened, where you're closer to the Goddess, where time seems to slow and you notice things you wouldn't otherwise. In every battle, I enter this state, one where I barely have to think about who's around me, where I am, and what I need to do in order to get my friends and I out alive. I feel movement, murmuring voices that I'm pretty sure are August and Yuri's, muffled slightly as the wind and distance blur their words. I bring myself back to my normal state, letting my thoughts wander aimlessly as I wait.

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Yuki: The plants tell me immediately when August walks into the garden. Though I cannot see him myself. He is definitely an odd person. Though I rarely say more than a word or two to him, he appears unbothered. I continue to tend to the foreign plants I have collected as he walks up behind me.

"Good morning Yuki." He says cheerfully "You are up early." I say nothing to him, there is nothing to say. It is indeed early, but the statement is irrelevant.
"Did you sleep well after last nights mission?" He asks, a question that requires answering before he will leave me to my work.
"Yes." I reply, not turning to him. I examine the leaves more closely on this Orden sapling. It's not indigenous to this hot desert climate so it requires more energy than the rest of the ones gathered. I gently move the palms of the more heat resistant plants to cover the cold weathered one.
"My, you seem to be growing a forest there huh?" August asks another one of his ridiculous  questions, I feel it needless to say it, but I do so for his benefit.
"One girl may sow a great forest, but alone she cannot grow it." I say this and immediately regret it.
"Woah! That's the most I've heard you say in weeks."
I go back to ignoring him. Not because he is uninteresting, but because I have more important things to do. Soon enough he starts to feel awkward as always and walks back inside for breakfast.


I enter the kitchen later to find August finishing up his breakfast.
"All done out there?" He asks in the middle of a pancake. I simply walk past him to where a plate sits waiting for me. Such is another routine, even though I age ever so slowly I still need food. In fact I still need many of the same things that anyone else needs, spoken words are just one that I don't. The written word is more powerful hence why I built my garden in the library. It has become my Eden.
"Thank you" I say directing my words at Jasper, he is much like August, full of worry, full of spirit. I fit in much better with the other two, though the lizard does creep me out a bit. Why so many scales? My best memories of the Anima were when I lived among the Bearkin for a short time. They were both strong and kind, someone to look up too, unlike my own parents. Still it is better not to dwell on that.
"You are quite welcome." Jasper says as I dig into the pancakes. "How are they?"
I look over to the giant insect. Does he really need to ask. They are delicious. For a bug, he knows his way around a kitchen. Still, I find it needs only one word.
The Sect nods knowingly. They have all seemed to come to understand that I don't need fancy words to explain what I mean. And so another day begins.

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Antigonsh: I silently pass the kitchen area on my way back to my underwater area for the fish I had allowed to populate it. When I reach my room area I dive in without a sound and begin hunting for a school of fish.

Team Spearhead's Hideout & Plan

10 Years Ago

August: When I stepped outside into the crisp summer air that did indeed make me feel like the dawn of a new day was quickly approaching, when I took a step outside into what was the empty age of Ragnarok, I couldn't keep from hesitating a moment to think about several things. Some of my pondering was about the super continent's - my homeland's - conflicted past. Then, most of my thinking focused onto where I was, who I was, and what was to come my way in the future.

Close to 250 years ago, at the terrible end of what everyone today knew as the very last world war between the east and west sides of the super continent, the age of Gaia ceased and the present age of Ragnarok came into existence. Since then, the world itself had fallen far from its once golden if not technological place of grace. 

And as for falling from places of grace, that could especially be said for the mid-west region of Kentarn; the homeland of humanity as well as Team Spearhead's hideout. True, Lytainia as well as Orden had also been hit hard during the nuclear fallout at the end of the latest world war in history. Nevertheless, as my nightmare always portrayed to me during my sleep, mankind had been directly targeted above all others at that moment by their fierce rival, the eastern wolken, and mankind's pride had been just as scarred as their nation nowadays.

During history, humans and wolken had always been at each other's throats for the longest time. It wasn't until the conclusion to the world war that their fury went out of control and now made their descendants - namely us - endure tricky challenge after challenge these days.

Anyway, moving on, during that time of nuclear fallout 250 years back, I'm sure Jasper's rather convenient cave which served as my team's headquarters presently hadn't existed then nor had its surroundings been an empty wasteland baked by the sun during the day and frozen during the night.

Nah. Two and a half centuries in the past, most likely, the cave that was serving as my home along with everyone else's hadn't been around then but had probably been like the rest of Kentarn. It had been a lush hill covered in foliage, trees, flowers, and other such pretty things found in Yuki's garden. Yet, that was the past, wasn't it? That had been during the age of Gaia. Nowadays, this was the age of Ragnarok and in Kentarn the forests were a rarity while wastelands were common.

Hopefully, someday soon in the future, the sad truth of Kentran only being a sun dried desert rather than a healthy woodland landscape like Lytainia would come to an end. In the meantime though, quite comfortable for us members in Team Spearhead until then, Jasper's cavernous home was literally in the middle of nowhere in a large expanse of desert terrain.

In all honesty, with how bad the weather conditions had forever been against us here in this region, Team Spearhead shouldn't have been able to survive out here in this hazardous climate for the last few years. We should have been deader than door nails by now. Nevertheless, with his knowledge as well as genius before he had found me unconscious in the dunes, Jasper had dug Team Spearhead's future headquarters here out of something that was an elevated rock formation which had formed around an underground fresh water pool.

Quite the lucky find for Jasper as well as those of us that made up Team Spearhead today, right?

In one big jackpot find during his exploration of Kentarn to help those in need then, the sect that was my friend had not only discovered shelter from the elements but had also founded the most vital resource needed to live; clean H2O. Next, as the team was built up over the years and cash from successful missions was repeatedly brought in to buy equipment, Jasper went on to dig further into the rocks to make more cavern rooms, a hanger/ garage, the lookout bunker up top, plus the very underground grotto that served as Yuki's place for colorful gardening which I was just entering.

At the start of it all a little back in the past, Yuki had had the brilliant idea to start up what would be a garden that would provide the team with available supplies. That kind of resource center placed in her magical care would not only give Team Spearhead an endless bounty of foods. Not only that, it would keep members from having to make runs and maybe be ambushed by jealous rivals or enemies along the way. However, due to being out in such a harsh desert region of Kentarn, Yuki's farming plan would have died from the very beginning if Jasper hadn't drilled, molded, along with built an underground grotto area for her plants to be kept in. 

Indeed, Jasper was a Sect. Sect were alien in every way, shape, detail, ideal. Regardless, even though most of the surface world despised his kind and maybe due to myself having been at his side for so many years beforehand, it was plain for me to see that Jasper's underground race of insectoids were not so foreign nor cruel in their ways. No, they had to be the most brilliant if not adaptable species on Gaia in fact. 

And that was always shown to me whenever I entered Yuki's garden, entered where Jasper the sect had given her a place to be a gardener, entered where I observed the assortment of plants from the many regions of Gaia she'd managed to collect thanks to his help.

As for Yuki herself - with her dark hair falling past her pointed ears and her shining eyes remaining focused on a certain Orden plant - I didn't stick around to speak with or distract her for too long. Like Antignosh, she was a character that preferred action over words and whenever I tried to have a conversation with her over anything, she merely mumbled a few words, nodded her elegant head, or shook he hands at me to leave her to her privacy.

So, quickly, I estimated that the half elf gardener was fine enough  where she was and that she understood she would be needed back in the plaza for today's mission explanation soon enough. Then, taking my leave, I returned to where Jasper was hopefully preparing breakfast for everyone. Nevertheless, I had to take on last glance at Yuki gently tending to the heavy suited Orden plant and admire her garden of colorful veggies, fruits, flowers, along with rocks before departing altogether with a lighter heart.


"We really need to find more team members that understand the gifts of having a family, August." Jasper grumbled to me as he served me my pancakes which were complete with blueberries/ raspberries provided by Yuki's very garden, "I mean, it's not that I do not take great delight in having meals here with you... but it would be good if Yuki, Antignosh, as well as Jemma were not so isolate."

"Well, what are you going to do?" I chuckled at my insectoid fellow, nombing my pancakes without much care about the matter, "I mean, heh, since the others aren't here then that means more for merry old me, right?"

"I'm glad to see that you're as serious about this issue as I am, my boy." Jasper tutted, sharply smacking my hands with his spatula when I looked to get my fourth pair of pancake stacks like the glutton I was, "Nuh-uh, that's enough. We need to be more careful on how big that waistline of yours is getting."

"Bah, you suck sometimes, Jasper. You know that, right?" I whined, looking at my rather well kept gut after my waistline had been jabbed at, "And we both know I have the right to pamper myself sometimes. I mean, come on. We both know I overdo it in exercise and you have no issue with that. Yet, when I look to enjoy your most delicious, most splendid, most fantastic - BOW! Bah ha ha!"

I quickly withdrew my sneaky hands when my buggish companion swung strongly at them with his spatula weapon. Then, before I knew it, he swatted me in the nose which brought not only tears to my eyes but a most jovial laugh from my throat. Naturally, at having been hit, most would have been mad with Jasper. Regardless, the pair of us had been together for so very long that his serious moments were just too funny sometimes.

Anyway, I got around to controlling myself and said to my sect friend as he was put away the leftovers, "Okay, okay. I'll be sure to watch my waistline. Point taken and jotted down into the notebook that is my brain."

Then, I chuckled while wiping away the remainder of the tears that were in my eyes, "And as for the other members of Team Spearhead joining us for meals... They have their ways in living as do we, Jasper. You can't go changing them completely, you know. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, as they say."

"Hm. As unfortunate as that is, your words are indeed true." Jasper agreed, letting out something of a disappointed sigh at the same time, "It would just be a bit more exciting for me to know that during mealtime, there would be the whole team to sit down and chat with-"

"Ah, I see. You need the whole team to have a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner, eh? I'm just not good enough for you alone, hm?" I joked around, knowing that my sect companion hadn't meant it in that sense. Regardless, I couldn't resist getting back at him for having just smartly smacked me on the nose.

"Don't say such things, August. Not even if you're joking. You are plenty enough exciting." Jasper stated, tapping me on the skull from nowhere with his spatula, "Heh, have you forgotten how unexciting things were for me around here until you showed up? And its due to your efforts that I even have other team members to consider as family, that I need to nag and keep healthy."

"Hm, well you say it like that, Jasper," I snickered, thinking about the sect nagging everyone to death over the smallest things when only meaning well, "I wouldn't be surprised if my speculations are correct and the team hates me for everything these days-"

"Ah, miss Yuki!" Jasper suddenly exclaimed past me, his eyes glowing bright with happiness at seeing the elf gardener nearing the kitchen area that was part of the main lobby, "Coming to see us, are you?"

Yuki did not respond to the greeting. Thus, to see if I was any luckier than Jasper, I tried my own welcome on her. Putting on a dashing smile, gaining the required courage, I took my chance presented to me.

"All done with the gardening out there then, Yuki?"

I got no response either. All Yuki did was half nod to herself as she took a seat at the bar/ surface that served as the kitchen table for everyone of Team Spearhead. She then gestured for a pancake at which Jasper quickly obeyed. Soon enough, after she had mumbled a "thank you", Yuki was enjoying a better than grand pancake to herself.

"Ahem. How are they? The pancakes, I mean?"

At his inquiry, Yuki turned her distant gaze onto Jasper for a moment. Then, after a gulp, she nodded to herself while saying one word, "Good."

"Excellent to hear! I'm so happy to hear so." My sect friend laughed, resuming putting away leftovers again, "But, you see, you should enjoy those pancakes more than the rest of the team, Yuki. I've actually layered blueberries and raspberries that came from your tended garden into these pancakes. Those fruits made my cooking that much more delectable."

At this, as I merely smiled at Jasper's attempts at trying to build a better relationship with quiet Yuki, I heard the softest splash behind me. I turned in my chair to look across the plaza towards where Antignosh's personal pond was opposite of the kitchen area. There at that pond, the sleek lizdra had shown himself and, soon enough, he had joined the rest of us.

Funny enough, Jasper didn't offer the lizard a pancake. Instead, when Antignosh bit down upon a random fish of the many he'd caught in his pond along with brought along with him, the sect grumbled in his click of a voice, "Old dogs can't learn new tricks, eh? Well, this lizard man... can at least learn about better table manners."

"Antignosh, good to see you up and about, my friend." I interjected afterwards, not liking the look the lizdra gave at the sect's quiet yet not so quiet comment, "You're just in time for the mission update. Team Spearhead is about to gather in the plaza here to go over duties for the day."

Chewing with his toothy maw open, Antignosh turned his narrowed eyes from most displeased Jasper onto me at my words. Not really enjoying the view of seeing him chewing fish but not wanting to get on his bad side, I jumped out my seat at the bar to explain to the lizdra, "Yeah, the team's plans have been charted, organized, prepped. We just need to have Jemma come along to get things rolling."

"I see." Antignosh said with the emotion shown in his eyes, not his mouth, "I am ready to be updated when everyone else is."

"Jasper," I announced, pointing at my insectoid companion purposefully while knowing he knew what I was talking about, "it's time for you to share your plans for today with everyone. Team Spearhead is awake. Thus, we all might as well take advantage of this early start to the day, right?"

"Right." Jasper confirmed for me, finishing up setting aside his kitchenware and carrying things away towards where our supply room and his own living quarters rested, "I'm sure, like usual, Jemma is off meditating somewhere. Thus, while I find her and get the plans for today, you three stay here in the plaza. Don't move, alright?"

At this, at being told to "not move", Antignosh merely chewed a bit more on his fish with his mouth wider open than before. Mumbling and grumbling to himself at this ugly display from the lizdra, Jasper fumed as he moved away into the cave, "Feh, chew with your mouth open, tough guy... Keep those kind of table manners up and see if I help you and your people against that disease again. Go ahead. Try me."

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Antigonsh: I stop chewing my fish instantly at his comment and give the sect a look of utmost hatred. " Fine, but don't think bringing up how I became indebted to you will always work." I say complying with the sect's wishes.

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Jemma: I smile softly "I'm coming, Jasper." I had heard him coming, and was waiting. I join him on the walk back, looping my arm through his "Sorry for skipping breakfast, Jasper." I apologize "I'm just not so good with the whole big happy family thing." I know I can talk, a lot, especially if it's around someone I'm comfortable with. The Elves had tried to cure me of the habit, but, it stuck. They liked it, though, they wouldn't admit it, not to my face, at least. "I'm guessing we're going over the mission?" I state, hopefully.

Mission Update

10 Years Ago

August: "And here we all are." Jasper got around to saying to Team Spearhead when its members had all gathered in the main plaza where he would begin explaining the next mission, "As we all expected, our dearest Jemma here was indeed doing what she does best; meditating. Now though, speaking of meditation, I need you all to pay close attention to what I have planned for our team's next move."

At this, as all of us team members settled ourselves around the place where he had been circling spots on the Kentarn map earlier, Jasper rolled up a most curious electronic device that looked to be a projector. Next, the insectoid picked up a little USB memory unit that he stuck into the projector which brought up a rotating projected 3D map for everyone to observe while he spoke.

Yeah, mind, just because we were in a cave in the middle of nowhere didn't mean we were completely cut off from using appliances, equipment, as well as other such things that needed electricity or an energy source to run. Not when there was a heavy duty, hand built, upgraded, generator that had been made by Jasper during the first days he had founded the team. That baby in the back was solely responsible for powering the cooler that kept the food/ water reserves refrigerated, that kept the cave lanterns alight, as well as let Team Spearhead view the 3D projected map that Jasper was describing.

Anyway, talking about the 3D map in question that was spinning in place above the projector, the electronic charts showed to all of us team members a certain region - our headquarter's region or territory - of Kentarn. All around our cave hideout was an endless ocean of dunes with the occasional collection of shrubs, a desolate platform of rocks, plus danger zones marked as serious predator hunting grounds. Out of all of the sights close to our home base that were the most intriguing though were two small if not familiar settlements located a bit west of of us. 

And it was to these two particular towns - "Hermes" as well as "Whistler" - that Jasper pointed towards as well as went on to begin explaining, "Team Spearhead. Good to see you all awake, comfortable and healthy. First off, congrats are in order. Three days ago, our latest mission in rooting out the slavers who called themselves the "Bloodhounds" ended as good as any of us could have hoped."

Indeed, the operation in taking out the Bloodhound slavers close to the Lytainia borders had ended quite smoothly if not cleanly. The mission in question had entailed that Team Spearhead embark on a quest to save enslaved lives. Such a feat required much hunting, tracking, along with subtlety from the team for a day or two until we had found our target in a reinforced camp in the midst of a jutting rock formation.

Since we had found the slaves along with their supposed masters then, it was at nightfall later that slippery Antignosh along with huntress Jemma began to spook the enemy ranks like the phantoms they were. In turn, the foolish slavers gave chase after the two shadow operatives through the dark.

With the hostiles distracted at that time, myself and Yuki went about freeing their slave cargo. In turn, we placed motion sensitive explosives in the holding cells an throughout the practically unprotected bandit styled stronghold. All in all, when the slavers returned from having failed in catching Team Spearhead's shadow operatives and began to realize their precious cargo was, well, gone... They broke down into fits of panic as well as set off every bomb in their campsite when they ran about in such disorganization.

During that certain night, the 23 slavers of the Bloodhounds that had fortified themselves in the rocks were effectively eliminated and their 14 slaves were freed by the 5 members of Team Spearhead. Quite the accomplishment, eh? And already, Team Spearhead's success was being warped with added dramatics, epicness, along with fantasy every time it was being retold throughout Kentarn.

Getting back to the present day, Jasper whipped out a PDA or check board software while listing things off aloud next, "Ahem. As well all know about the end result, despite the bloodshed, the Bloodhound slavers were utterly wiped out. Our team suffered nothing serious and the slaves in question were freed along with placed in the authority of the citadel of Sanctuary."

Ah, Sanctuary. Yes, when they arrived on the scene, the army of the citadel of humans had been most excited in hearing that the Bloodhounds had been destroyed by us. In fact, like always when we met them, the commanders of the soldiers that came for the slaves tried to get Team Spearhead to formerly join the defenses.

Nevertheless, unless it came from Jasper, Team Spearhead wasn't exactly keen on being told what to do by superiors. Freedom of choice, of position, of voice. Those were a few of the reasons why my team members had come together in this cave and made the team in the first. Even if this Princeton leader guy of Sanctuary was as charismatic or generous as the tales said he was, my and Jasper's team belonged out here with the locals where we were truly needed and not out watching the empty east by the "Fated Pass" pointlessly.

"Since the fall of the Bloodhounds," Jasper cut into my thoughts, making me jump, "I've heard that the slaves have been returned to their families, friends, loved ones for the most part and our cash reward has been transferred to us. A job well done, my friends. A job very well done, indeed."

Jemma smiled at the praises, as did I, about our last mission being such a success. Apart for us though, there was no "thank you" or "good to hear" or anything encouraging voiced from Antignosh or Yuki who just simply nodded their heads as usual. Anyhow, spinning the 3D map towards himself to point back onto the towns Hermes as well as Whistler next, Jasper launched into what he had planned for the coming day.

"Right. We all know that the Bloodhounds have been accordingly dealt with." The sect acknowledged, gesturing to Hermes first before pointing to Whistler second, "Still, that doesn't mean we've dealt with all local bandit groups. Our success in taking out the slavers may have unfortunate side effects. For instance, other raiders could be encouraged now to do what the Bloodhounds couldn't."

"In other wordsss..." Antignosh hissed, looking a bit humored despite trying to remain quiet, "Bug man, you're suggesssting that we check our territory for posssible signsss of conflict from other gangsss of trouble makersss, hm?"

"Precisely, cow chomper!" Jasper clicked back at the lizdra's comment. As Antignosh forced himself to not show any care at the "cow chomper" remark about him chewing his mouth open, the insectoid fellow that was Team Spearhead's advisor explained further, "As Antignosh just said for me, our next mission as well as move to keep our team in shape should be in patrolling our territory, in seeing these two most friendly towns, along with getting in touch with the locals."

At this, Jasper shut off the projector while he announced, "Thus, Team Spearhead's next mission is "Operation Fresh Air"! Most likely, this little operation will be more of a vacation for you, my friends. After all, we've just dealt with the Bloodhounds. Gangs rising up against us over that matter is just a minor theory of mine. Yet, it gives our team here a good enough reason to get back in touch with our territory and we most likely won't encounter anything too serious along the way."

Indeed, Operation Fresh Air stood true to its name. In short, Jasper was telling us team members that we had just dealt a serious blow to bandits, raiders, and slavers across the west. Scum like them would bunker down for a little while before trying anything again. Nevertheless, in the meantime, that meant there would be no real contrast for us all to gain. We had to think about reserving supplies, cash, energy.

At the same time, though, we now had some real free time to enjoy, to travel about, to get in touch with the closets towns of Hermes as well as Whistler again. I mean, it was common knowledge that those settlements were more than overly friendly and ever since Team Spearhead had begun the villagers there had been regular, well-paying clients if not friends to our cause.

So, Team Spearhead was going on something like a surprise vacation to see friends, eh? That was Jasper's plan for today, huh? Well, at thinking about seeing friendly faces again in Hermes along with Whistler, I was more than eager to begin. As for the others, they had heard the plan along with their orders. They would obviously be coming along with me to patrol our territory and see the villagers too.

However, before we all could even begin to think of taking off into the harsh world outside, the team had to get themselves prepared. We had to get our weapons, items, put on our combat armor, supply the transport in the garage, as well as plenty more. And, as if he had read my mind, Jasper dutifully exclaimed through the plaza for us all to hear.

"As of now, Team Spearhead, Operation Fresh Air has commenced. Get your things, grab what you will need. Soon enough, you're all going out for some fresh air, some scouting, and to meet some friends! Get ready for fun, fun, and more fun!"

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Jemma: I walk back into the sleeping quarters, packing my few things quickly and eagerly. It takes me only a few minutes to get ready, waiting with my small pack in the opening of the cave for the others, who are taking longer. I look across the desert, gazing at the horizon, thinking longingly of the forests, of the colors, so different from this seemingly unending sea of sand. I turn my thoughts to our newest "mission", pretty much a vacation. I smile softly, thinking of all the people I'll see, friends both to greet again and new ones to meet. I knew I wouldn't see any of my childhood friends soon, but, I always hope that one of our missions will let me have a chance to visit them. Until then, I'll be content with those I meet. I let my thoughts wander, trying to pass the time until my companions join me.

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Antigonsh: I return to my pond and dive in to get my gear. I grab my  ceremonial spear and sword that I carried with me from my village as well as my bow. When I resurface I'm fully equipped with arrows throwing knifes a sword, spear, bow and arrows. I meet  Jemma at the opening and nod to her as I wait. For my own entertainment I activate the chameleon ability all Lizdra had and waited to scare the next member to join us. 

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Yuki: I listen intently as the sect speaks. A vacation like mission for the team sounds kind of anti-progressive, but I am sure that each of us is looking forward to it in our own way. As I make my way to my room I pull down a book that Jasper has placed on one of the shelves for me. Ever since I had shown an interest in the vast libraries of the Orden tribes, the sect would leave me a varrious piece of text in such a place. This one appears to be one on the birth of Gaia, an interesting read Im sure. The creature has never gone wrong before. I enter my room and toss the book into my messenger bag along with my other belongings, a wayfinder charm, and a silver pistol with the word "snow" engraved on it. I add to my pile a magical tome of thunder and a dagger just to be safe. Then I grab my old biking helmet and head out to the hanger. As I enter the room I can feel myself being watched. I know it is not Jemma, who is also in the room, therefore it must be the lizard. As he appears a few inches from my face I look onward nonchalant, this is not the first time he has done this. His boredom does get rather repetetive. Instead, I push him away and move on to my bike. "Hmph." I hear from behind me. I am sure that he will try again on August, though to what degree it will work is debatable. I put my helmet on and mount my bike. "Whistler" is all I say before taking off into the desert.

Gearing Up for the Adventure

10 Years Ago

August: Apart for the nightmare that involved me always failing to stop a certain wolken warrior from ending the world, apart for me having been found by Jasper five years ago in the deserts, there was another vital fact that you needed to know about me. And that certain fact was that I, well, was decent at everything I did or had ever done throughout my life which included but was not limited to travel, socializing, gaming, eating, combat, piloting, as well as, heh, plenty of other stuff.

Why was I so decent at everything? Why was I so good at all manners of tasks that had come my way since I'd joined Team Spearhead? I had no idea. Seriously, those were questions which neither myself nor Jasper could answer. Even if our lives depended upon it.

Obviously, at the start of the team's formation those few years ago, the sect and me had always found it confounding how I had been so good at helping him keep the cavern in good shape, at being able to fire a gun along with wield a blade with decency, and also how I had managed to be not only something of an icon for the locals but had also gained friends/allies like Jemma, Yuki, and Antignosh along the way.

Yet, out of all of the riddles that had stacked on top of each other since Jasper had discovered me unconscious and Team Spearhead had begun, my biggest question was based on that which I gathered from the team's sleeping quarters for the supposed vacation I would be on with my other team members; the item which was my powered battle armor, that which was my gauntlet blade, that which was my eight barreled magnum.

I had said it before but I will say it again now. Before I had been saved from the harsh elements of the wastelands that were and are Kentarn a few years back, I couldn't recall anything of my past before that. 

No matter how I or Jasper had ever tried to discover it throughout the years we'd spent together, my background was still as unreachable as the stars were. At the moment, all I had or was was Team Spearhead. And the only real clues I had to possibly unlocking the way to finding out more about myself would be due to the sectioned brown-blue power combat suit that I presently fitted onto my body, the gauntlet switchblade that I equipped onto my right wrist, and the impressive magnum gun in its holster that I attached to my waist on the left side.

You see, when the sect that was the team's adviser as well as my best friend saved me from the deserts, I had been completely suited in this same battle armor, gauntlet blade, along with magnum. Upon each of the items were faded scars from something that had to be a most wicked set of battles. And, considering their brands entitled "Guardian Corp III", the things I wore had to of been relics of the latest world war in their own right. Crazy to think of, I know, but before I had passed out in the desert and become a friend of Jaspers... I had gone through something at sometime that had landed me with this armor, blade, gun, that had been produced by a munition company from 250 years ago.

Or that's how the theory in a nut shell went in my mind anyway. Jasper tended to agree with me whenever I voiced it and he'd been working on locating the origin of the brand name Guardian Corp III for quite a while. In fact, the reason why we both saw my customized armor and weapons as 250 years old was due to having discovered that the majority of Sanctuary's main defense mechs were also products of older than old Guardian Corp III as well.

Anyway, I had to snap out of my serious pondering when Jemma ventured out of her own room behind me. At seeing me in my own equipment, the hunter girl gave me a small smile while moving towards the front exit of cavern hideout where everyone else would be gathering like always. For the journey coming up, she herself was dressed in light clothes/armor and was even bringing along light baggage. Obviously, unlike me on the team, she had to be light on her feet at all times or risk seriously messing up.

Moving on, for good enough reason, there were no words exchanged between myself or Jemma as she exited the sleeping/living quarters. We were both getting ready. We would both be moving out soon. Regardless, I as well as Jasper had always appreciated the usual optimism the huntress showed in her eyes or even the smile she tended to show to everyone. Of course, Yuki as well as Antignosh were just as optimistic in their own ways about things but Jemma tended to be a bit more open about it.

Bah, here I was getting caught up in thoughts again when I was supposed to be hurrying to the garage/hangar to meet with the others! I needed to get a grip on myself and quit finding myself stuck in thinking about the past all of the time. As of now, I needed to focus on the mission at hand which was practically a vacation compared to the other stuff Team Spearhead had done in the past.

All in all, this supposed vacation was really only meant to better relations with the locals along with check the territory for any possible threats against them. And as for threats, judging by Jasper's opinion of how we'd dealt so effectively with the Bloodhounds, the chances of encountering any dangerous individuals during the trip seemed little to none. Today, was going to be a day meant for Team Spearhead to simply relax, to have fun, to get some fresh air.

So, setting aside every other thought and having what I needed for the vacation mission or Operation Fresh Air, I followed after Jemma through the cave passages to get outside into the now sunny if not hot morning.


"GAH!" I snarled out in a yelp, just keeping from smashing Antignosh in his scaly face when he came out of his camoflouged hiding spot right beside me, "For the millionth time, dude, that gag is not cool! Be glad that I didn't just punch you square in the jaw this time! I was darn close to doing so!"

Ever since he had joined Team Spearhead, Antignosh had found it quite a joke to take to camoflouging in certain spots and waiting for his other teammates to pass by. Then, with a hiss, he'd make himself visible again to scare the bejesus and maybe literal crap out of whoever he fancied scaring so bad at the moment. Much like how it had gone down with Jasper eventually, one of these days, the lizdra would frighten me one too many times and I wouldn't be able to stop myself from knocking him out cold in the process.

Until then though, I couldn't really understand why I was continually scared so badly by the lizdra warrior's coming out of thin air. I mean, he'd done it so many times on me already... So why hadn't I grown used to it? Bah, moving on, I took in that Antignosh had dressed as well as equipped himself lightly like Jemma. He had the knives, the bow, the garbs, everything he had brought with him from his village into Team Spearhead when invited was upon him now out in the hot desert morning sun.

And as for the teammates with me, Jemma along with Antignosh were ready to move out. As for Yuki, it turned out that she had gone ahead without the rest of us to get her personal bike ready in the garage. Thus, knowing what was left for myself along with the rest of the team to do, I lead my team members a bit through the sands to another separate section of our cavernous headquarters.

See, there were actually three different parts to Team Spearhead's grotto hideout. One was the main base with the sleeping quarters, the plaza, the restroom area, and so on. Then, underground, there was Yuki's pretty garden of various things. Lastly, above ground like the main base, was the garage/hangar where the team's heavily armored, eight-wheeled transport - the "Titan" so to speak - had endured as well as been parked at the end of every successful mission.

The Titan transport carrier, the best of armored all terrain vehicles, was of "Valhalla IV" make. When the team had found it during a mission scouting way back, Jasper had told us that the transport had been a massive army breakthrough back in the earlier days. It was much too invaluable a thing to just leave behind and, heh, the team had camped out with the piece of equipment then for three days total until Jasper had gotten it working again.

Now, with the emblem of a hawk carrying a very spear in its talons painted on its side, the Titan had become just as much a part of Team Spearhead as myself and every other member had for the past few years. The huge vehicle had never failed in protecting us, in getting us to where we needed to go, in bringing us all back home alive after each complete mission. And now, well, it would be carrying us across our territory to the nearby towns; Whistler being the first.

"It is about time you all have showed up." A merry Jasper announced from up high where he was jumping down from the driver cockpit to the sandy ground, "You came just in time. I have the Titan here all fueled, supplied, along with energized. She's ready to go when you all are."

Jemma smiled at this. Antigonsh nodded his thanks. Yuki, who didn't usually take to riding in the Titan unless necessary, was busy setting up her bike in the background. Anyway, as my two fellows who would be riding with me entered the gargantuan carrier that was the Titan, I turned my focus momentarily onto my sect of a best friend.

"After having asked this and getting the same reply each time, I should know the answer to this question by now." I admitted gently, "But, Jasper, you will not be joining the team on this operation, will you?"

"No." The insectoid replied to my question, his voice indicating he could have smiled at my wondering about him if he had an actual mouth, "We both know that surfacers do not take well to my kind. I know that you and the others on the team would have me come along, my friend, but it would be too much trouble."

"You're no trouble, Jasper." I stated, knowing I didn't have to but doing so anyway for some reason, "If you would give the townsfolk a chance, I'm sure that they would come to accept you just as they've accepted the rest of Team Spearhead."

"Indeed. They might very well accept me." Jasper agreed, nodding his head quite thoughtfully, "Then again... they might not. And what would the team - the team that loves bugs - do then for work?"

"Jasper, you're no bug-"

"Enough, August. Enough." Jasper cut across me, leading me towards the Titan with a most fatherly chuckle in his voice in the meantime, "Team Spearhead is my family. In this harsh yet gentle world, you all are more than good enough and will always be good enough and if I must not b a part of this world to hold onto all of you then so be it. I will take joy with you here at the cave whenever I can rather than risk ruining your success with the locals of Kentarn."

"Man, there's just no reasoning with you, bug man-"

"You're just figuring that out?" My insect friend clicked in a tut-tut manner, having me climb up into the Titan's front seat to begin driving, "I may appear to be quite the simple soul, August. However, we both know that I'm as stubborn as a bull when it comes down to it. Like with all missions, Operation Fresh Air is meant for you and the team to pursue, to enjoy. I, in the meantime, will hold down the base here."

"Right." I chuckled at my generous along with inspiring sect fellow, noticing Antignosh up in the Titan's lookout bunker up top and Jemma in the passenger seat in the middle of meditation already, "Okay, Jasper. You have your job-"

"And you have yours." Jasper called back to me, pressing a button that opened the canvas like front doors of the garage to let the Titan run wild when ready, "Now, since we've cleared that all up, you and Team Spearhead have a job to get done. Get out there and report back to me at the end of the day of how the locals are fairing. Understood?"

"Understood" was directed to all of Team Spearhead. Not just yours truly. Anyway, in reply to the question, Yuki put on her biker helmet while nodding her head. I observed both Anitgnosh along with Jemma give me thumbs up that they understood too. In turn, I revved up the mammoth of a vehicle's engine at my control while I yelled back to Jasper.

"Yeah! Team Spearhead understands you, Jasper!"

"Then good luck to you all! Bring me back a souvenir!" Jasper responded, standing back as Yuki roared off into the bright desert dunes.

At seeing her take off ahead of me, I shifted the Titan into first gear to get it grinding after Yuki's distant form. The large vehicle roared to life at my manual commands and, as the lizdra up top was secured tightly on the roof, its eight wheels worked their way into moving it forward. Soon enough, I had the carrier in third gear as well as forth just behind Yuki's bike.

The headquarter's were behind us all. Now, there was the sea of dunes to traverse and Whistler to get to by high noon in the least. In the meantime, as I drove the heavy duty transport along over the sands, I couldn't help but wonder what the rest of my teammates had on their minds during the long journey. Were they thinking of the past? Of the future? Were they wondering what awaited us at our first stop? Or were they too busy meditating, keeping watch, driving a bike, to let me guess?

Hm, if only I could tell.

Anyway, above all else, my focus had to be on getting the Titan to Whistler. Not on wondering about what my fellow teammates were wondering about or doing meanwhile. That would most likely end up with me crashing the transport and then, sheesh, I'd never hear the end of that for as long as I lived afterwards!

Re: Mission One: The Starting Point

10 Years Ago

Antigonsh: As I keep watch atop the Titan my mind begins to wonder to my village, and to my wife. Ever since hearing about this mission I had been wondering if it would be possible to take a look at the village's condition. If my wife was still weak from that cursed disease, or was she back to normal and leading the village in my place as is tradition? I use chameleon to be able to look out without being stopped and continue to think about my home.

An Unexpected Turn, An Unexpected Twist

10 Years Ago

August: An hour had passed since I had begun to drive Team Spearhead's heavily armored carrier, Titan, across the heated wasteland towards Whistler. During that time, I had taken notice of how my teammates were spending their minutes before reaching the first town of the two that we would be patrolling today.

Jemma, sitting contently beside me in the passenger seat, was and had been meditating while the transport ground along through the sea of dunes. Then, there was Yuki. Yet, with her being on her bike ahead of me, I couldn't really tell what she was doing while traveling the deserts. Perhaps she was listening to her music tracks? Yeah, that seemed most likely. And as for the lizdra keeping watch up top, as for brooding Antignosh, I could very well guess that he was thinking of what he'd left behind since he'd joined the team.

It was true. Out of all of my teammates, I felt like I usually got along with Jemma the most. Or maybe I only felt that way because she liked to smile or converse with me from time to time. Nevertheless, amongst those who were my team members, perhaps I knew the most about the lizdra's background. After all, after his village had been saved from a most uncanny disease, it had only been several months ago that Antignosh had been accepted into Team Spearhead's ranks. So, yes, I would feel like I knew a bit more about him than the others at the moment.

Before I knew it, my eyes weren't seeing the open plains of sand the Titan was currently growling over. No, I was seeing, remembering, the reasons for why Yuki, Jemma, as well Antignosh had been invited to join mine and Jasper's little party now famously entitled Spearhead.

Each time I had gained a new teammate too, it had been during a certain mission. Like Yuki, for instance, I had actually met her during my first days being Jasper's partner and Team Spearhead's official sole member. And where we had met had been in Whistler in fact. You see, at that time those few years ago, I had arrived to deal with the bandits that had been badgering the Whistler community. The criminals were looking to make the oasis town plus its citizens their property. Obviously, with Yuki along with myself in their way though, the villains didn't succeed in getting anywhere close to completing their plans.

However, back then, I should say that Yuki as well as myself had had different reasons for having gone to Whistler in the first place. Where I had arrived to only deal with the baddies, Yuki had been in town for quite some time before me to help the townsfolk in handling the oasis, the plants, the water that everyone lived off of even today. Yet, when she heard that I sought to drive away the pests that looked to steal all of her hard work in aiding the locals with gardening, the half-elf girl was quick to stand beside me with her magic.

Then, another year after Yuki had joined myself and Jasper in fighting for the good of all things, Team Spearhead accepted a series of contracts that brought it awfully lose to the Leaf Wall or borderline of Lytainia. While there, on the last mission, the team was hunting for a certain beast that had been feeding off on little defensless entlings. The creature in question turned out to be a most cunning if not shrewd rock wyrm parasite that was quite dead by the time Spearhead had found it. 

And who had beaten us to the job? Only dearest Jemma as well as her father, the most fantastic of southern human hunters, of course. Mind, there were no hard feelings over who had beaten who to finishing off the parasite first. Not when the elves were more than willing to give Jasper a piece of the dead wyrm for study and Jemma even wished to tag along at the journey's end.

So then, Jasper and myself had Yuki along with Jemma on the team. Yet, we were due for one more friend to join us and that was revealed when the human army contacted Jasper about a most curious conflict hitting the southern parts near Serkwesh. Thus, packing our things to live alongside elves as well as even lizdra also from time to time, Team Spearhead journeyed down into the marshlands where we found portions of the lizard folk in quite the fix. Out of all of the villages we interacted with though, our team found itself usually in Antignosh's which would explain why he came to end up with us here today.

All in all, Antignosh's hometown along with loved ones were spared from the ravaging illnesses when Jasper tirelessly worked, studied, along with produced a cure for the western alliance to distribute. The hurting areas in Serkwesh were cured soon enough and now, as a show of his thanks, Antignosh sought to pay off his debt to Team Spearhead by aiding it on missions in the future. Considering how noble and honor bound his kind were, that course of action only seemed natural for the lizdra to have done in the eyes of his townsfolk. 

With him having loved ones back home though, I for one didn't really need Antignosh to risk his life in staying with the team. Nevertheless, when he set his mind to it, the lizdra wouldn't take no for an answer from anyone. He was his own master and someday, as both Team Spearhead along with his village knew, he would go back home to tell of the missions he'd been on to repay his friends in full.


"Ah!" I exclaimed as well as jumped when Jemma tapped me on the shoulder, "Oh, Jemma, yeah! What? What's up?"

"You're drifting off course." The huntress stated, tapping on the compass installed into the dashboard before me, "You're tilting more south than needed. You have to keep going straight west. Not southwest."

"Um, uh, oh, yes." I chuckled, turning the wheel along with adjusting the controls of the Titan to get it back on the right course, "You're right, you're right. Thanks for that, Jemma. I've got it now."

The huntress gave me a small understanding smile before she returned to meditating over whatever. Returning to focusing my energy on driving, I observed Yuki driving ahead of me on her bike. At the same time, I glanced upwards through the Titan's open section of roof to see Antignosh still secured safely as lookout. Then, being responsible, I picked up the mouthpiece on the dashboard while also turning a nearby knob dial to check various frequencies.

Out of all of the frequencies buzzing in my ear, I needed to contact Whistler to let them know they would be having company soon enough. I didn't want the townsfolk to mistake our coming as a raider assault and shoot us on sight, after all. Yet, as I looked to announce our approach to Whistler over the radio, I gradually took notice that Jemma appeared to be looking a bit pale. Was she hurting somehow? Was she starting to get a bit queasy from the constant ride?

None of those were it. Not when the huntress snapped out of her meditation and sat up straight to exclaim, "August, Yuki is about to be in trouble."

"What?" I wondered, ripping off the headpiece and immediately focusing onto the girl on her bike ahead of me, "She's going to be in trouble? How? When?"

"Watch the sand!" Jemma shouted at me, "Tell Yuki to watch the sand! Something's coming-"

And then, from the dunes nearest her, a monstrous form much like a snake exploded forth to ambush Yuki! Soon enough, even as I put back on the headpiece to contact her to retreat back to the safety of the Titan, Yuki was lost to my sight through the explosion of sand from whatever beast that had gone after her!

"Damn!" I snarled, trying to drive along with tune into Yuki's frequency at the same time without crapping myself, "Yuki! Yuki, do you read me? Get back here! Fall back to the Titan-"

"It'sss wyrmsss!" I heard Antignosh shout from above, his bow and heavy duty arrows at the ready for something to the left, "August, trouble isss brewing! Power up the javelin launchersss!"

"Sand Wyrms?!" I exploded, feeling more and more ticked off with the abrupt loss of control over what was going on, "Are you sure, Antignosh? Can you at least see if Yuki is alright - Agh!"

An impact with the power to make the entire Titan shake altogether hit our transport from the left and made me stop what I was saying in the middle of my sentence! The reason for the impact was due to another sand wyrm - another massive serpent shaped creature like the one that had surprised Yuki - which burrowed back under the sea of dunes nearby!

"Blast it! Antignosh, I'm powering up the javelin launchers now! Jemma, could you - hey!"

Before I had even finished, Jemma had taken the headpiece away from me, gotten the right frequency and let me know that Yuki was okay. Of course, I didn't believe that until I saw Yuki herself riding out of the sandstorm just ahead of the Titan with her own wyrm closely following behind her!

By the goddess! That half elf-half human girl had better book it back to the transport or the wyrm was going to swallow her whole! And as for that atrocity happening, I wouldn't allow it! Not when the javelin launchers were being manned by Antignosh and Jemma both and I was driving the heaviest piece of metal in these parts!

As I looked to meet Yuki halfway, as Jemma along with Antignosh aimed their javelin turrets for the enemy, I roared, "Remember, these wyrms are protected by body scales as hard as steel! Aim for their underbellies if you can! That or their freaking mouths! Give them a bloody toothache - Whoa!"

A third wyrm erupted right in front of the Titan! The blind snake giant covered in glossy scales roared at my transport next, reveling rows upon rows of sharp teeth in its maw! Regardless, stomaching my fear, I put the Titan into full blast as well as the highest gear to run into the newest obstacle!

The wyrm didn't stand a chance against the heavy carrier. As it bellowed with surprise, I ran the snake of a creature over while the others up top managed to hold on as best as they could! Now, as it showed itself again to those who had manned the javelin launchers, there were only two of the wyrms left to deal with. Yuki had to outrun hers to get to safety while the rest of us hooked us our own from the Titan!

It seemed this vacation had started with a twist hadn't it? As I drove the Titan to get to Yuki in time, I prayed that the goddess made sure all of Team Spearhead's members would make it to Whistler together.

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