The Changeling Academy : Forum : The Rules *Must Read and Sign*

The Rules *Must Read and Sign*

12 Years Ago

Below are the rules of which you must follow:---I. Blood, gore, and the other such aspects of fantastical life are permitted, including cursing, but please keep it professional.

II. Arguments or quarrels of any sort are not tolerated. If there is a problem that you cannot solve, contact me, please.

III. We are not ourselves two-dimensional, so neither should our RP posts nor characters. I would appreciate it if we put some serious effort and thought into both. Sentence-long responses are banned. Sorry, no exceptions.
IV. Please do not god-mod, and keep your virtual hands off other players’ characters unless given expressed permission. Leave enough room for other players to respond, too, please.

V. Please do not create any topics. If you want a topic created, send me a message, and I shall review and allow it, so long as it goes along with the RP.

VI. Sign below that you have read these rules, and you understand what is being asked of you.
Silver Storme