The Hopeless hotel : Forum : Characters!!!!!

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10 Years Ago

Post your characters here!
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Re: Characters!!!!!

10 Years Ago

Name: Felicity St. Whitestone
Age: 19
Personality: Friendly, Fierce, Loyal, Kind,
Weaknesses: Getting Attached to People
Traits: Smart and Quick Learner
Hair colour: Red
Eye colour: Blue
Rest of appearance: Tall, Lean, Beautiful, Stealthy, Pale Skin, Long Curly Hair
Past: Felicity's mother died when she was five and her father killed himself and Felicity's brother when she was ten. Felicity has been living on her own ever since then and started a paper route when she was eleven then got a real job at the hotel when she was sixteen. She has lived at the hotel most of her life.

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Re: Characters!!!!!

10 Years Ago

Name: Alana. Age: 16. Personality: Quiet, gentle, always puts others first, curious. Weaknesses: Shes very curious and notices things she probably shouldn't. Traits: She is good at figuring things out and is a quick thinker. Hair Color: Blond Eye Color: Green. Rest of appearance: Small and pathetically scrawny with shoulder-length kinky hair that never stays up. Past: Alana grew up in a good family and has a part-time job at a florist in her home town. She came here to visit her sick grandmother and decided to stay at the 'haunted' hotel.
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Re: Characters!!!!!

10 Years Ago

Name: Adrain Straught
Age: 21
Personality: A brash, inquisitive and intelligent man with a superiority complex and hates when things are out of his control. He has little regard to the opinions of those he deems below him and often comes across as condescending and aloof. He's grown to be sarcastic and wary of befriending others after his rather... unorthodox persausian in bedroom partners were discovered by someone he thought was a dear friend. Needless to say that friend didn't take the news all too well and he became the laughing stock of the elite society of Los Angeles, shunned and poked fun of. Needing to get away from the limelight he took an interest in the hype concerning the Hopeless Hotel and requesting a favor from an old associate, managed to get a job as a reporter from the L.A. Times to chronicle the event. So with some of his savings and his packed bags he headed over to try and forget what had happened...
Weaknesses: Is very defensive making it hard to make friends easily forcing him to many times act alone. He works poorly with groups and his elite airs further isolate him from many of the other patrons. He is deathly afraid of heights and utterly despises the existance of spiders. A bit of a perfectionist and mildly OCD, he's constantly nitpicking every little thing, being overly aggressive to anyone who tries to clean or re-arrange his room. At the same time though this also makes him very observant to things that others may miss. He's also not very fond of harsh sudden lights.
Traits: Observant. Methodical. Is well versed on an array of subjects from medicine to Shakespeare and the ancient Greeks: A Human Encyclopedia
Hair colour: Dyed black natural hair color is white blonde
Eye colour: Violet (yes this is a legit color just VERY VERY RARE and is connected to albinism)
Rest of appearance: Is seen only in the most up to date fashions. His shoes are never scuffed, his hair is never out of place and his suits are pressed and starched to perfection. He is often seen with a pair of sunglasses resting on the first unbottoned hole of his suit, it clashes horribly with the rest of his outfit and no one can rightly figure out if he actually needs them or if they're just for show since he seemingly never wears them. He's also hardly ever seen in short sleeved shirts or shorts. And wouldn't be caught dead in a pool.
Past: In case you couldn't guess he's an albino, and a rather fetching one at that. His unusual appearance seduced many into trying to court him in the past and one a man by the name of Gallaver succeeded. When Adrian's best friend Maxwell discovered the full extent of their relationship he was disgusted and immediately told Adrian's parents who promptly gossiped to the rest of their circle after forcing Adrain home for some much needed "family bonding". 
Adrian was devasted by the realization that Max had betrayed him and soon pressures from high society and his current boyfriend Gallaver forced him into a state of depression and alcohol. He finally decided that he needed to get away from it all after, in a drunken rampage he'd wrecked his entire loft and attempted to kill himself.
The scar can still be seen on his right forearm.
Gallaver got him the job with the Times.
They formally broke up then Adrain claiming that he needed space and time to "sort himself out."
He then made him promise not to tell his family where he went lest they make his new life hell as well.
He also allows no one to call him Addy.


Is this too much LOL? I kinda feel like he's a tad on the dark side ^^;