The OG Reviewers : Forum : Apologies


16 Years Ago

My apologies to everyone, I have been having some mega computer issues... I haven't been able to review anything, or even log in very often for that matter. My computer went nutso and I have been having a hellish time restoring everything. I have been in a scramble to get all of my writing off of it onto a memstick, because the stupid thing keeps crashing, and all of that is the most important stuff on here.
So please bear with me as I try to fix this stuff. I was really active in this group when I joined, most people who posted things in the last 6 weeks got a review from me. Then all of this started up. I promise promise promise I will get to all of your work soon, and will review everything, no matter how long it takes.

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16 Years Ago

Okay, you can make it up to me then :P

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16 Years Ago

Absolutely. I am slowly but surely getting everything running back to normal here, but I had to buy a new PC, and thankfully I managed to save all of my writing before everything went totally bonkers. Expect a full return to terribly long reviews this week. :)