The writing affectionate : Forum : Poem: Never Look Up

Poem: Never Look Up

16 Years Ago

Never Look Up

by Alexis Pena Goco


far far away the horizon
moved to the shore
and swallowed the sky above it
and moved across the land
until the people were
blinded from the truth
prolific heroes challenged
the horizon
where it meets the shore,
magnificent castles were risen
contouring its' features,
historical histories liasoned
in controversy within
its' apathetic environment,
modern living established
a society in its'
catalytic atmosphere,
this embellishment defined
a human race
'Twas only shelter, that never
carried any intention beyond itself,
a horizon and a shore,
that swallows the sky
Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved

See also: Catanic Panic


© 2008 Alexis Pena (Goco)

P.S. Please come visit my page and read/review my poetry

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