The young expressives : Forum : The Little Things In Life

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The Little Things In Life

11 Years Ago

     What inspires me to write? Well, the little things. You see, one day, I was looking out my window, and saw a Blue Jay. I based my poem, Blue Jay, off that one bird. I could probably write a poem on just about anything. The the thing is though, you have to be creative, and get an idea about not just what, but how you are going to write. Don't you agree?

Re: The Little Things In Life

11 Years Ago

in a way you could say that but i think creativity is already a part of us . I mean if you remeber all the games you used to play as a child they all require a bit of creativity .....character , creativity and the way we write and put across our ideas they are all interlinked .
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replying to the reply:)

11 Years Ago

I think you're right too! There are so many things, It's truly hard to list them all:)