Twilight's Disciples : Forum : Answers In Genesis

Answers In Genesis

13 Years Ago

As most people know, the book of Genesis in The Holy Bible is primarily about the creation of our world. However, there is far more to it than that. For example, it describes the creation of the first man and woman. Also, the very first incident of sin. What does Genesis mean to you? Do you have any favourite lines or verses in Genesis, perhaps? Interestingly, some Christians regard this section of the Bible with more significance than others. But, why is this? In particular, the concept of evolution is widely seen to clash with Biblical truth in the secular community and elsewhere. On the otherhand, do you interpret this part of the Bible literally - or metaphorically?     Answers In Genesis:   Ark Encounter:

Re: Answers In Genesis

13 Years Ago

Genesis is the beginning of everything. Not only is the beginning of life, but the beginning of sin, doubt, debate, and rebellion; that's what it means to me. It is the center of debate that Christians are ridiculed about believing in the first place. I try to interpret it metaphorically because I think that I receive a more in depth message, but I always end up taking everything literally. Like for example my friend believes that because in Genesis, the first line, it says that in the beginning God created all the creatures that inhabit the earth, which means mystical creatures could have existed as well such as giants, cyclopes, and etc.    

Re: Answers In Genesis

13 Years Ago

It is metamorphical. The old testament, Genesis being the very first book of the Torah (Jewish Holy Writings) is based on ancient stories told down...all of life and creation proven by science began in africa around two million years ago. The Garden of Eden and the Great Flood are based on stories that have been passed down from those ancient times. The Garden of Eden is obvious. The Sahara Desert used to a jungle, teeming with water and life until a castrophic event destroyed it and caused all vegetation to wither, and all the water to dry. Probably a dramatic climate change in the area. So the tales of Genesis are merely what we have already known in the past. Tying the Old Testament, especially Genesis to scientic findings proves that history really does live through us.   And yes the metamorphical meanings are to be taken very seriously. Temptation and sin are the themes and hallmarks of Genesis, and as well as God's punishment. The message is very clear, temptation is decieving, and if we go far to the brink of it everything we love and know could be destroyed--not by God though, but by our very own actions--the course of our fate based on our mistakes will be greatly changed because of the decisions we choose to make.   That is my take on Genesis. A thorough and agnostic perspective. But, I do give high respects to religions. Especially to judiasm--its amazing even through the exclusions, terrors, horrors and hardships that a religion is able to last for soo long. More than twice as long as christianity. Its no wonder!