Uncle Zac Oliver Brewer's Minion Horde! : Forum : WELCOME UNCLE ZAC!


8 Years Ago

Let's all take the time to appreciate the courage that our beloved overlord has to come out and let us know not just what she feels, who HE really is. That's right, HE! Auntie Heather is now Uncle Zac Oliver Brewer! Our beloved benefactor has been struggling with this for a very long time and now he can finally be himself! Who else is happy about this? I, for one, certainly am. Our Uncle Zac can be Uncle Zac without fear. I am STOKED! It's things like this that remind us just how strong and brave and determined our Overlord is. I hope everyone else is as behind him as I and every other one of his followers on Facebook are. Thanks everyone, for remaining a part of this group and loyal to Uncle Zac!
