Under 100 : Forum : View Counts?

View Count?

7 Years Ago

View count? How do you access them? Sorry for the sophomoric question right off the bat. Anyway, regarding to the increase in views. The best way is to write a review for one another, where having at most 4 or more reviews, would most likely place you in the "Today's top read," granted the reviews are at least a 90+ rating. Being within that category places you in the Home screen selection for anyone logging in to see, instead of selectively going into another person's profile. It's like editing, but the notification will be directed towards more people. That was what I can gather from snooping around getting used to this place, while I was writing my novel. I am not done with my chapter yet, but once I do, I will be sure to send a "read" notification. Thank you for taking your time to read this.

Re: View Counts?

7 Years Ago

When you are on your story it appears on the right hand column with the review and rating count in a small box. I think you're right, an eye for an eye really helps everyone. :)