Why Do We Keep Needing To Lose Weight


I think that if we're all brutally honest, unless there is some medical condition, about which I've got no place commenting, there is only one reason that you, me or the person sat beside you at 'Fat-Fighters' is fat. That, my friends', is simply because we eat too much. That means, to get slightly more technical, that we consume more energy than we use up in the daily doings of our lives.
You see, in the olden days, before cars, phones, computers, washing machines, combine harvesters, drive through fast fooderies, desk bound jobs and sugar, chocolate, alcohol and lard all being available to us on tap, we had to get off our botties and toil the soil for what we put in our mouths. In the olden days, the number of people who needed to lose weight was nothing by today's standards!
That is no longer the case. We don't have to take the washing down to the river and bang it on a rock. We don't have to walk 10 miles to fill the kettle or grind up grains of wheat to make enough flour to feed our 16 children. We simply open the freezer, find something that was 'buy one get one free' at the supermarket last week, so we might as well cook them both; and chuck it in the microwave. Oh, and don't forget the ice cream; it's always on offer somewhere if you know where to look! It's no wonder we are so overweight.
So the simple answer as to why we're always trying to lose weight is that we don't want to be this way. Our logical brains are screaming at us to close the lid on our flip top heads when the cake trolley is rattling past when it's the MD's birthday, but we can't-just a small one then, because it would be rude not to join in. Ok then, so we can all be hogs at the trough together! Yay!
In the environment that we live in, that is pretty much a toxic one, where we are surrounded by too much food and not enough opportunity to use up the energy it provides, it seems that not only do we gain some sense of social belonging from taking advantage of any opportunity to have a good nosh-up, we also crave the social aspect of all having a problem, sharing it, and then trying to lose weight together.
Of course, we're not all like that. Some people would rather gouge out their eyes with a spoon than sit in a semi circle discussing 101 things to do with a diet yogurt, but people are generally a fairly sociable crowd and take comfort from doing things together.

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