Y2K Kids of the LGBTIQA+ Community


So you were born into Bush era or around 2000, you're not a cisgendered/heterosexual/binary conforming person, and/or are just a bad conformist in general. You, however, love writing- especially poetry, lyrics, and short stories.

To clarify, write anything, be yourself. You don't have to be part of the LGBTIQA+ community or a Generation Z to love other humans, support them, or be in this group.
Write stuff and put it here. This is supposed to be an inspirational rainforest of awesome stuff written and created by an amazing community, and a means of connecting with one another for those of us who got tired of Facebook and never really were into Snapchat.
The only movements happening here will be ones that do not undercut other humans in the quest to restore or provide human rights to those in need, or ones that do not openly assault people for their choices and decisions, or what/who they were born as or into. No intense judgement. No hate. Just a community to perpetuate peace, self-authority, and internally driving forces for a better future globally and locally. And no hypocritical stuff (I.E: Fake Anarchy/Socialism/Communism). These are not trends. They're not even for consumer capitalism. Get yourself a new flashy thing in the ideology department.

Love, togetherness, freedom, and expression- that's what this is about.

-About the creator of this little group:
Go to my profile. It's 2:29 and I need sleep.
-Lysergic Pancakes.

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