Laura Ex : Writing



A Poem by Laura Ex

Purge this pulsing, revolting impulsivity from my headThe mere thought of it makes me want to hurlThere are not enough vile words to describe how disg..
Getting Better

Getting Better

A Poem by Laura Ex

I always hated when people picked at scabs And yet, here I am, doing the same thing Fumbling for band-aids w..
I Control This

I Control This

A Poem by Laura Ex

I want to bruise I want to bleed I want it all to get away from me I want to hurt I want to hate I ..
Life Lost

Life Lost

A Poem by Laura Ex

Stop screaming let me take this Let me take all of this The pills, the hate, the damnation The poor abduc..
Venetian Red

Venetian Red

A Poem by Laura Ex

i love you and i love him.
I Am

I Am

A Poem by Laura Ex

I am disappointed In myself Who I am What I’ve done All that I’ve become I am demolished By myself Who I..


A Poem by Laura Ex

I saw you, screaming, shining It feels a dream so far away And it feels the happy said goodbye to me But decided not to retreat quite so far back ..


A Poem by Laura Ex

You're so addicting And my lips keep on splitting And my headaches keep on winning All because I love you The urges never pass And their streng..


A Poem by Laura Ex

I feel like I’m breaking in half And crumbling down into myself Oh, I wish that I would Oh, I know that I shouldn&rs..


A Poem by Laura Ex

everyone is torn apart