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Whittier, CA
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About Me

I was born one stormy night in February some almost 30 years ago.
I live in Whittier, its in L.A. county and border the OC, but for some odd reason no one can ever place it. Sad.
I spend too much time playing WoW.
I once took a creative writing class and had to write a short short story, which is pretty much a short story no more than 10 pages long. One day I found the story again and decided to expand on it a little, years later the "expansion" amounts to an additional 450 or so pages with a possible 400 or more to go.
I like pancakes.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks Jorge for reading the first chapter of my autobiography Only One,

----much love, mishel

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Jorge, your welcome! You have a great sense of humor, I couldn't stop giggling at your story, much love,
---MIshel ---:)--