the rain caught the leaves

the rain caught the leaves

A Story by alan khan

it was still raining out side and i could hear the rain dropping from the gutter outside her window to the plants below. the lights are off and its damp to say the least in here. The only light coming from the tv. Some movie is on but i havented been paying attention.

Shes wearing shorts that come up just above the curve where her beautiful a*s starts. normally if this were any other woman, the shorts would be thrown to the side, wrinkled on the ground and the curve of her a*s would be rested on my hip.


Her thick muscular legs rest straight up and the sweat dripping from her knee down her shins glisten in the white light of the whatever film playing away on the tv, rested on a high shelf. Her small head and wet hair rest on my bare chest and her head boucnes gently as my heart beats, not faster, but harder. She drops her leg on me and i lose my mind.


She know exactly

what she's doing.

to me.



i take the free hand and run it against her calf, skimming the middle finger against the under thigh. Her hands meet my stomach and her fingers run like waves over my chest. My skin burns, already hot from the room...and her breath becomes as heavy as mine.


The few hairs on the velelt skin of her arms stand and i turn her cheek toward me, letting the tip of my lips brush against them. the rain falls harder, and the wind current picks up. and by now i've really lost it


"S**T, i left the windows of my car down."


She jumps out of the trance we've put ourselves in, "S**t, are you sure?"



I leap out the bed. God no, take me, soak me, not my glorious interior

she follows close behind, "F**k so did i!"


We run out, barefeet slamming aginast the pavement, and roll that s**t up.




On the way back to the door, her hair clinging to her neck from rain, she stops. And kneels over by the lawn, cupping her hands downward, "Look a frog."


I kneel down next to her, fat rain drops splashing up against puddles in my face and against our naked toes, and there in her hand is a little baby frog. She blows it a kiss and lets it go. She lookes over at me, pressing her mouth against her arm. The hint of small seen perring over at me. She's tall, but not tonight.



"Come on," I tell her, "Let's go finish the movie."


and we do. and i have to say the movie turned out to be kind of great.


as was the company.






a week later, we fucked.

cept it was sex, love making.




© 2010 alan khan

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Featured Review

You know...I like how make things so sweet, and thoughtful...then BAM...its always about the sex, isnt it? Your stories are pleasant though, and I could see the rain, and Ive been there...chillin with the boy, listening to the rain, and remembering that Ive left windows down...that was cute....

Thanks for letting me read this

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Another truly interesting story. As said in the previous review, its interesting how everything is sweet, and slow, and as readers we really get the chance to peer into the more sensual side of these encounters, and then all of a sudden, its pure male testosterone coming out. Its a fascinating style. I would recommend you go back and read the entire piece over to yourself, as there are a few words that shouldn't be there, spots where words should be and aren't and typo's. But all in all, a nice piece.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You know...I like how make things so sweet, and thoughtful...then BAM...its always about the sex, isnt it? Your stories are pleasant though, and I could see the rain, and Ive been there...chillin with the boy, listening to the rain, and remembering that Ive left windows down...that was cute....

Thanks for letting me read this

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on February 13, 2010
Last Updated on April 1, 2010
Tags: romance, passion, love, tender, friendship, sex, sweat, rain, heat, movie, date, power


alan khan
alan khan

Mint Hill, NC

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