The Missing Pieces

The Missing Pieces

A Story by "Aleeza"

Allowing the Lord to reveal those pieces that you always thought were missing.


Have you ever tried putting a puzzle together only to realize that some of the pieces were missing? As I was talking to a friend this morning about searching for revelation, I shared about some of the missing pieces in my life. How often in our walk with God do we wonder what's missing? Well that's exactly where I have been this week. I have gone into my prayer closet several times this week asking the Lord to provide revelation to these area's in my life. Area's that have fallen at the waist side many years. Spiritually I absolutely noticed change and growth, but there are area's that I have struggled in on a personal level for years.


Have you ever gone through the same trials time after time after time with no change? Have you ever gotten to the point in your life where you just have to ask God why? Why have these situations in my life not improved? As I was praying I even reminded God of the promises that His word speaks to us like Matthew 7:7 says Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you... In my opinion, I have been doing just that. I have been asking, seeking and knocking with no response. I even presented before Him Philippians 4:19 And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.... Feeling like my needs are barely being met but knowing He has so much more for me then what I'm receiving and I'm just not seeing the transformation. My problem in this whole situation is that I was hammering God with His own words (as if He forgot them) slamming Him with question after question, but not staying still long enough to hear His response.  I just continued telling Him that there were pieces missing and asking Him, where do I go from here?


How do I fit these pieces back together? How do I fix everything that has been broken Lord? How do I replace the missing pieces without purchasing the whole puzzle all over again??   You don't I quickly heard in my spirit. Asking you to replace the whole puzzle would be like asking you to relive your trials and tragedy. Re purchasing the whole puzzle would be like you asking Me to sacrifice My Son all over again. What I am asking you is to allow me to replace those missing pieces. I'm asking you that as you remind Me of my own words promised that you put your faith into action. It reminded me of the story in John 21 where Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs. I felt like the Lord was asking me; Is your love for Me greater then the fear of not replacing those missing pieces. Do you trust me to replace those pieces for you? Do you realize that not only can I replace your missing pieces but My desire is to provide a whole new puzzle for you with all the pieces included. Not a puzzle of life's paths that you need to put back together, but a beautiful masterpiece to place on the wall of your heart. My desire and my plan for you is so much greater than what you are allowing yourself to see.


So in my spirit I sensed the Holy Spirit reminding me of the scripture in Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. So here it is, here's the secret to fixing the pieces to our broken puzzles. We don't fix it!! We get in His word and allow the Lord to reveal to us exactly what He's expecting from us, because we have allowed ourselves to overlook it thinking it doesn't apply to our situation. Allow Him to reveal His plans for us and wait for His timing to proceed with those plans. All He requires from us is for us to put our faith into action by trusting Him to fulfill His promises. We need to release the grip of those reigns that we so tightly hold on too and stop trying to control our situations or our callings and yes even our gifts. Our gifts, anointings, callings and paths were all given to us by Him to bring Glory and Honor to the One who has brought us life.


As I was writing this tonight I received a clear vision of a huge hand leaning downward holding a puzzle piece in His hand ready to put it in that empty space and fill that void. It was almost like hearing, well done my daughter because of your desire to search My truths I will now replace your missing pieces. Can you seriously say Amen?? God is desiring for us to search Him out. His word is full of the secrets we have all been looking for. We just have to want what He has for us bad enough to search for it, then once you find it receive it and run with it. He's not hiding from you. He's actually standing outside of the door of your heart holding those missing pieces. Open the door and let Him in and receive an overflow of blessings that He has already promised us just by being His children. Grab your inheritance puzzle. Allow Christ to replace the missing pieces and fill your heart with a beautiful piece of His creative art work. The Masterpiece that already resides in you.

© 2015 "Aleeza"

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I love your writing. You go girl. It speaks to me of the "Truth" as a Christian. Right on.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 10, 2015
Last Updated on November 10, 2015




I have a tremendous passion to share my heart with anyone who is willing to listen. I write about the experiences I've lived throughout my life before and after accepting Christ. Everything I have wr.. more..

Undone Undone

A Story by "Aleeza"