

A Book by Tsukin Archangel

A story about a young pyschic, his friend, and a transfer student in a quest to learn from the past in the hopes for preventing there ominous future.



© 2012 Tsukin Archangel

Author's Note

Tsukin Archangel
please review and ignore grammar mistakes i havent gone back to start editing yet so its rlly shaky

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um.soory...i have read the whole book(till where you have written) a month ago..but i couldn't find time to review it....but i should better say.it's a great story..iand you better publish this in the near future because i can bet that it will do great.....
and i think it would be more great if it would turn into an anime!!.that will definitely rock!!

i''ll read all the chapters again.but this time it would be a bit slow.'cause i have to go for my exam..and yeah,you better post the new chapters soon.i can't wait!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tsukin Archangel

11 Years Ago

sweet thanks! :3 I will definetly try my best to get another chap up soon :3 Thanks for reading
wooohoo.. have so many chapter already..
okay, i'll read it, little little :D
thanks to send me RR

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tsukin Archangel

11 Years Ago

sweet lol yeah i try to post one a day but .....that doesnt always work i started writing one last n.. read more
I shelved it... and I'll read the others it if I've time... It's really hard if you're a student you can't own the computer and spend longer times with it (:

Posted 11 Years Ago

Rhianne Ney

11 Years Ago

yeah/// but I can wait
Tsukin Archangel

11 Years Ago

lol thats good
Rhianne Ney

11 Years Ago

Its really good book. A very good story. I want to read it to the end. Please do finish it. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Anonymous Girl

11 Years Ago

Okay.. Thank you ^.^
Tsukin Archangel

11 Years Ago

lol np~
Anonymous Girl

11 Years Ago


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4 Reviews
Shelved in 6 Libraries
Added on May 19, 2012
Last Updated on May 19, 2012


Tsukin Archangel
Tsukin Archangel

Palmdale, CA

Hmm let's see~ I'm 20 (wow I've had this account for a long time) I'm a poet I'm a story writer A singer An amateur Voice actor An anime enthusiast An avid gamer 100% Unadulterrated Me! I wri.. more..
