Iron Links

Iron Links

A Book by Arsenic Nemesis

More than just a game; a "lifestyle"...


© 2010 Arsenic Nemesis

Author's Note

Arsenic Nemesis
There is so much he is yet to understand about this place, and one of them is the "Links" - an online assembly brought into reality. He must watch as strange people, both young and old, run around with shackles trying to kill one another in order to gain their freedom. A certain sighting sickens him and he does not want anything to do with them ever again, but what if he hears that his best - childhood - friend has been involved for years? Also, what will he think when the Creator of Links saves his life from a gang of bloodthirsty thugs? And, will he allow himself to get involved for the girl he only has a "slight" crush on? Warning for the future, this contains plenty of violence, blood and gore; you have been warned mortals.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

i'm so sorry i haven't been reading this!! i was so busy! i think i might fail biology! T__T anyway i hope to catch up! :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow this is great :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

blood and gore? nyummy! X3 sounds good to me!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on December 19, 2010
Last Updated on December 21, 2010
Tags: chains, links, blood, gore, violence, online, games, horror, psychological, battle, fight, shackles


Arsenic Nemesis
Arsenic Nemesis

Redcar, United Kingdom

MOVED. NOW more..
