

A Chapter by Atermon_hours

The room was dark. A few abstract paintings were hung on its grey walls. In the far right corner of the room, a girl was sleeping soundlessly curled up in a wool blanket, lying on the floor.
I walked towards her direction, kneeling in front of her. She was pale; it was a striking complexion, since her fair skin came in contrast with her dark wavy hair. Her eyelids were closed and her lips slightly parted, her chest rising and falling rhythmically, traits of the deep sleep she was in.

I almost felt guilty when I gently shook her shoulder:

"There's a client who wants to see you" I whispered softly.

A small yawn escaped her mouth and she opened a pair of hazel eyes, looking rather drowsy from her interrupted slumber. As her view cleared she fixed her eyes on mine and smiled.

"Hmm, I guess that's all the sleep I'm getting... V. Status?" She asked stretching her arms.

"Female, 10 years, Boston, connection and acceptance" I spoke.

She closed her eyes in thought.

"Ok, I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, go and get some rest. You really need it." She told me with a caring voice and a concerned look in her eyes. I nodded and her smile widened.

She stood up and threw a night-robe over her pajamas, heading outside the room leaving me, alone in the darkness.

I trod towards the gigantic bookcase on the left wall and extracted a large book with black, leather cover. I stroked its spine, feeling the dust, collected over the ages. My fingers traced the title that has already started to corrupt. Opening the book, I skipped a few chapters, chuckling to myself. 'Who knew something like that would ever happen to me', I thought. Smiling contently, I began reading, letting the memories flow inside my mind...

© 2010 Atermon_hours

Author's Note

English is not my native language so I know there are acouple of grammar and spelling issues...

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Added on August 15, 2010
Last Updated on August 15, 2010
Tags: Ace of Spades, death, life, angel, demon, grim reaper, humanity, Thanatos, azrael, fiction, fantasy, paranormal



Athens, Attica, Greece

Greetings... My name is Lydia and I live in Greece. I enjoy reading and writing stories. I love poetry even though I'm not very good at it. I also enjoy sketching taking long walks and playing th.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Atermon_hours

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Atermon_hours

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Atermon_hours