Apparently Fragile

Apparently Fragile

A Poem by WynterPhoenix

“Look at her.

How can she even

go to school

looking like that?

She’s so gross.

Her hair isn’t shiny like mine,

her clothes are

old and holey,

and that smell

is inexcusable.”


Bully him and

bully her.

Bully them and

bully me.

She doesn’t want to

dress this way,

it’s not her choice.

She has no options.

Her mom’s on drugs

sells herself,

her dad left when

she was only two.

She can’t afford

the things you buy.

She wakes up

for school

two hours earlier than you

to get her

little sister and brother

off to daycare.

The heat, the lights,

and water were all cut

off last month

because her mother

needed a fix.


“Look at him.

He’s so fat,

he’ll never find

a date to the prom.

He’s such a dork,

and lazy too,

I bet he can’t even run.

Listen to his breathing,

man, that’s so gross.



Oh wait he ate that too.”


Bully him and

bully her.

Bully them and

bully me.

He’s not lazy

but you wouldn’t know.

You’ve never

walked in his shoes.

He has a disease

there is no cure,

it makes him gain weight

and makes him fatigued.


“Look at her.

She’s so depressing.

Dressed in black and

long sleeved shirts.

‘Hello! Haven’t you heard,

it’s summer.’

I bet she’s hiding

cuts under there.

Emo is so last year.

Look at her,

she’s smiling, she isn’t

even doing ‘emo’ right.

She’s such a loser.


Bully him and

bully her.

Bully them and

bully me.

She is depressed,

it’s a disease.

Incurable and always there

to tell her she’s not

good enough to please.

Under the shirt,

she’s hiding scars.

Her dad’s a drunk and

sexually abuses her.

This last summer,

she overdosed

wanting it all to end.

She left a note,

said ‘Help me, God.

My father hurts me

worse than any blade.

The kids at school

tell me I’m foul,

I was walking

home from school

and was raped.


“Look at him.

He’s failing every class.

How can anyone

be that dumb.

How’s he not

in Special Ed?

I bet in there,

he’d have more fun.

‘What are you

looking at idiot?

Haven’t you ever

seen a book?

Oh wait, your shoe size

is bigger than you’re IQ,

I doubt you’ve ever

picked one up.’

OMG look at him cry,

I bet he wants his mommy.”


Bully him and

bully her.

Bully them and

bully me.

His mom is dead.

She died of cancer

when he was only 4.

But you wouldn’t know,

because you never asked.

He has a

learning disability,

and it’s hard

for him to read.

Everyday his dad picks fun,

says he worthless.

He’s ignorant,

he’s dumb.

Today, his dad’s in bed,

taking a nap from

a hard day at work.

He goes into the closet

and takes out a gun,

shoots his dad

and then himself.


“Bullying statistics

say revenge is

the strongest motivation

for school shootings.”

© 2011 WynterPhoenix

Author's Note

Bullying can take on many forms. As part of the Olweus Bullying Questionnaire, students are asked if they have been bullied in any of these nine ways:
1. Verbal bullying including derogatory comments and bad names
2. Bullying through social exclusion or isolation
3. Physical bullying such as hitting, kicking, shoving, and spitting
4. Bullying through lies and false rumors
5. Having money or other things taken or damaged by students who bully
6. Being threatened or being forced to do things by students who bully
7. Racial bullying
8. Sexual bullying
9. Cyber bullying (via cell phone or Internet)

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Featured Review

The most powerful poetry I've read on this forum so far -- but I'm still a new boy. Robin Jones -- I LOVE it ... but skip the last verse, bro? It speaks for itself. That spoils it -- makes it sound like, political correct -- you know. GOOD writing. mister ...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This is very good! I was enthralled reading this. I am impressed by how this was written and how informed it is.....very nice.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I agree, this is one of your bests. It's truly beautiful, brought tears to my eyes. Bullying is wrong, and most people don't realize the severity of it. My school has a whole bullying class every year, and you know what everyone does? They make fun of it. They practically bully the class that tries to prevent bullying. People in this world are so cruel

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is a raw and intense write..and oh so truthful. There isn't room for bully's in this world. This is such a huge social problem that you've brought to the light through your poetry. Thank you for sharing..because you have penned these emotions very well :) x

Posted 13 Years Ago

The most powerful poetry I've read on this forum so far -- but I'm still a new boy. Robin Jones -- I LOVE it ... but skip the last verse, bro? It speaks for itself. That spoils it -- makes it sound like, political correct -- you know. GOOD writing. mister ...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

One of your best, and I know I personally have been bullied in numerous ways you've described. It isn't a picnic, that's for sure. =/

Posted 13 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 15, 2011
Last Updated on April 15, 2011



Asgard, TN

To my friends, Don't worry about my leaving this site. I might pop in every now and then, when I have the time but, for the first time...I'm all right. Things are different. My life is changing and.. more..
